Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Are You A Viable Key?

Have you ever checked your key ring just to find keys that you do not use or can't remember what they go to? Or maybe you have a junk drawer at home with random keys in it and they just hang out in there, being of no use to you? Well, keys were made with a purpose, to lock and/or unlock. Just like keys, we were created for a purpose, God created us for a purpose. Holy Spirit gave me a revelation as I was studying a message about Jesus giving us the Keys to the Kingdom in Matthew 16:19. As I was meditating on the keys Jesus gave us as a result of his death and burial and resurrection as children of God, Holy Spirit said, "you are a key, you are Gods' key!" I was taken back for a moment and then the Holy Spirit gave me an understanding that God gave Jesus so that he could pay the price to get his creation of mankind back from Satan. God desires to use us in the earth to carry out his will. So, that's why God set in the church the gifts of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher to train us in kingdom knowledge bringing heaven here to earth. Remember, Jesus in teaching the disciples to pray, he said "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven." Jesus would obviously know what God's will is, so since God created us for this earth, it is up to us to do his will here. That is the revelation of us being God's Key! So, I ask again, are you a viable key for God to use? Or are you one of those keys that is just hanging on a key ring or laying in a drawer and it's heaven's report that you are not being used by God because you have chosen not to be available for his use? How do we make ourselves unavailable for God's use? By continuing in sin, by not acknowledging God as supreme in our lives. By living like the unsaved whom we are sent to deliver, by allowing the enemy to steal, kill and destroy our lives through sickness, poverty and the lies he shoots at us. Each and every time we surrender to this world system and take what they tell us or accept what they dish out, we are unusable keys. God can only use keys who are strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might, more than conqueror keys, count it all joy keys, keys who know who they are in Christ Jesus! Those are the viable keys of God ready, willing and able to carry out his will in earth as it is in heaven. God used people in the past that no one would think of using. What about Moses(murderer), Noah(alcoholic), Joseph(sold into slavery), Gideon(the least in his household), Esther(female), David(sheep herder), Solomon(conceived in sin), and we could go on talking about others in scripture whom God used as keys to carry out his will who were no different than we are...people! Come on now and let's stop using our past or our shortcomings to cause us to be dropped off in the "non use" key drawer in heaven. Stand up in who you are through Christ Jesus and accept your assignment to lock (bind) and unlock (loose) heavens power here on earth. This is God's will for us to operate on earth as he does in heaven. In the beginning God created us in his image and after his likeness to subdue, dominate and replenish. Read the beginning of the bible so you can understand why you are here, and what your assignment is by asking God to show you how he can use you right now. For we are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:20

Monday, August 31, 2015

Deliverance From

I asked Holy Spirit what I should blog today and I heard, "deliverance." Jesus came to deliver us from the hands of Satan, his lies and everything he represents. Many Christians believe that we are supposed to be sick, that we are suppose to struggle financially, that we are supposed to live a life of mediocrity. That is so far from the Truth of God's word. Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, provided finances in the mouth of the fish to pay taxes, called business men to be his disciples. In all of these examples, I can see nothing that supports the lies of the devil that he has fed to the church. Then, here is the part that I don't understand. If Christians are supposed to be sick, poor and destitute then why do we work O.T. on jobs, or work two or more jobs? Why do we go to the doctor to get well if being sick is the only alternative? Somehow this seems to be a contradiction. The bible says in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Acts 10:38 "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power: who went about doing good and healing all those who were oppressed of the devil for God was with him." What does this mean? Was everything Jesus did just for the people of that time he was on earth? Why would God put Jesus through everything he had to suffer for just that generation of people? I am not understanding why the Body of Christ thinks that Jesus wants his body sick and poor and oppressed of the devil. Jesus is the head if the body. A prosperous head and a destitute body does not paint a good picture of the lovery of God. God is love, and he wants us to live here on earth just as he lives in heaven. DELIVERANCE is for all of God's people. Everyone who has confessed Jesus as Lord has a right to everything God provided through Jesus. Not because of any good works we may have done, it is by his grace so no one can boast on themselves. We boast on God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. All it takes is a renewing of our minds from what we have grown up to believe, to what the truth is for us to live by daily. God's word is our instruction book, our key to opening up who we are and what we have available to us at all times. I know that it seems easier to go to the doctor and get the medicine and/or operation instead of praying and standing in faith along with the medicine until you are completely healed so you don't have to take the medicine any more.  I know it is easier to work O.T. or two jobs, invest in the stock market to get the finances instead of God's plan of tithing and sowing. I understand that everybody wants things quick, fast and in a hurry, but faith is a process if you have not been living a life of faith. Start now, it is not too late to make the changes in your life. Please here me out. There is nothing wrong with doctors, surgeons, medicines to help save your life, the stick market, wor king O.T., etc. I am not an extreme Christian who will never see a doctor or take medications. But, what will you do when the doctor doesn't have an answer? What do you do when the medications' side effects are worse than what you started off with in your body? What do you do? What happens when there is no more overtime being offered at your job, or the stock market crashes and your hope was in that money and now it's gone? What do you do? If we use these things in moderation as a secondary plan, it's fine. But, we are to live our lives by faith and allow Holy Spirit to show us what to do first. The just shall live by faith, not by power or might, but by God's Spirit. Your deliverance is near at all times. Yes, there will be challenges to your faith. The devil is not going to sit back and watch you live the abundant life. He wants to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus came to give us abundant life. John 10:10. Start today and seek God as to how he wants you to live. He gave us his Son Jesus, His Spirit, His Word, authority and power over the works of the enemy. Do not settle, "Arise, shine; for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you! Isaiah 60:1

Friday, July 31, 2015

God Loves You!

Yes, I am speaking to you! Sometimes I need to be reminded that my Heavenly Father loves me with a love that is so grand and complete that my little comprehension fails to grasp this truth. So, I thought I would share this truth with you. We are in to second half of 2015 and many of you have had struggles, victories, set backs and opportunities to forget who is watching over you through it all. God is with us, loving, guiding and speaking to our heart so that we will come through whole and blessed with no lack in any area of our lives. God's word reminds us over and over and over that he will never leave or forsake us even when it looks like he has totally disappeared. This life as a Christian is a process. There are no microwave solutions, it's faith, hope and trust in God and the Kingdom's operation system. God has set up an order which must be followed to get the best results. Tears, screaming, tantrums, humilty or any other emotion cannot make God's system work. God requires FAITH in him, who he is and all that he can do. Our praise and acknowledgement of him is what he deserves and requires from our lives. In all things give thanks, count it all joy when you fall into temptation, trials and tests. Why does God put this in his word? He desires us to worship, praise and thank him no matter what is going on in our lives simply because GOD IS GOOD and he is worthy to be acknowledged and praised as the only true and living God.  If we can only thank him when things are good, what separates us from the world? Our situations and circumstances does not diminish the truth that GOD LOVES US. God created mankind to dwell here and make things happen. He created us in his image and after his likeness. If we can grasp that and then seriously ask ourselves, "if God were facing what I am facing what would he do to turn this situation around?" Certainly he has equipped us correctly. There no other beings that he made in his image and after his likeness. "What is man that you are so mindful of him?" the scripture asks. Then, to redeem us he sent his only begotten Son Jesus, to pay the price for us to be his again. I know that is love, that is perfect love. That is God's love dimistrated. How much more, what else can God do to prove to us that he loves us? So, in conclusion I want to encourage us all to trust, hope and believe in God's love. It is real! We are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Speak Faith-Filled Words

Speaking faith-filled words will produce you living a curse-free life! What are faith-filled words? What is a curse-free life? God, Jesus and Holy Spirit are faith beings. Every word they speak are full of faith. Every word that proceeds out of the mouth if God are Faith-Filled words. Clear? Next, a curse-free life is a life free from despair, cares, destruction, habitual sinning, poverty, and anything in our life that is not our kingfom inheritance. Please understand that I am not saying that the opportunity of these things won't try to take you over. Satan will try at every turn to shoot the fire darts, But, through Jesus Christ and him crucified, he has given us The Power to overcome the cursed life. God did not give us his Son just to yo to heaven when b we die. Our salvation includes much, much more. If going to have after we received Jesus was the only goal, then every person who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior would drop dead and go directly to heaven...don't you think? No, God has a bigger plan for us. To live the life he purposed from the beginning, Life without curses. There were NO CURSES when in the beginning God created! The curses came in after man did the opposite of what God commanded. The same goes for us. If we obey, live and walk in God's faith-filled words...then we can live a curse free life. If Adam and Eve would have believed God's faith-filled words over the Devils cursed words, then they would have continued to live a curse-free life. So, let us learn from Adam and Eve. Obey and live by God's word and God has to do what he promised us because God cannot lie. Number 23:19. The other thing that brings a curse into our life is if we decide not to tithe. Thithing is giving God 10 percent of our income. Remember, are you going to listen to the enemy like Adam and Eve, or will you listen to God's instructions? The choice is yours whether or not you live a curse-free life!

Saturday, May 30, 2015


I recently took a mini vacation back to where I use to live, and got a chance to visit with lots of people whom I haven't seen in four years or more. All of them are Christians, and I looked forward to seeing and visiting everyone. As my visit went on, I realized that much of our conversation was different. Not wrong, just different interests. The Lord transitioned me from family and friends and instructed me to move away four years ago. As I have been away these four years, I realize that this has been a wilderness experience for my Christian walk. It reminded me of Abraham(not in the sense of what God had him do), but leaving family and friends to get to really know who God is and what he needed to teach me. I guess it's been a sabbatical and when I review my posts since I began this blog, I can see the growth I have been experiencing, the understanding of the Kingdom, and just tracking my spiritual growth. Not comparing myself to people, but to Jesus. He is my goal, being as he is in this world is my goal and hope daily. Well, I could not help see that my interests and the interests of others were different. I could even see my current interests are immensely different from my own interests of four years ago. The biggest thing I noticed was the sly way Satan uses distraction in the Christians' lives. The Lord has been so good to me and I cannot help but tell what he has done in my spiritual life, financial life and physical life. All I wanted to do is to testify and glorify the Lord and to talk about what the Lord has been doing in their lives also. I remember that four years ago I did not enter into those conversations of what God has done. It was conversations about what was basically gossip, finding out who did what or who's doing what. Again, this is not to put anyone down, but to use my life as an example of the old me and the me of now. The Lord was showing me that I was allowing Satan to use things and people to distract me from seeking him out and finding out who I am in Christ Jesus. There's electronics, social media, reality shows on T.V. and tons of activities that tie up our time, keeping us from praying, studying the word of God, listening to hear God's voice, and finding out the power we have in Jesus. Since I have been on this sabbatical, most of my time has been spent learning about the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God, and what God's original intent was for mankind and the fact that Jesus through his life, death, burial, resurrection and seated position at God's right hand has brought us back in place. But, when I was distracted with life, I didn't know all this and I made some major mistakes. The other thing I became aware of is that the Body of Christ have turned on itself. Just like when the physical body is sick, sometimes it turns on itself and begins to destroy itself unless some medical intervention occurs. I could see how the Body of Christ instead of building each other up as the word teaches, the opposite is happening. Someone wronged them and either they have turned away from God, not attending church any more or not praying and each joint has discontinued the supply. I saw how the body is slowly dying spiritually. Losing hope, not having prayers answered, fainting and not trusting God any more. It all stems from a Spirit of Distraction sent out from Satan to tear down the people of God because Satan hates God and he hates us. There are a few friends that I talk to from time to time who are fighting the good fight of faith. It is not my intention to say that everyone has been sucked into Satan's tricks, no I do not believe that at all. God always has a remnant who are seeking him, praying for his will, and standing on his word in faith. God is amazing and I want to encourage you to not allow distractions keep you from God's wisdom and knowledge. Put the ipad or tablet down, turn off your cell phone for a while, turn off the next episode of that reality show. Separate yourself and just tell God that you want all of who he is, what he has, and what he can do. Trust him and not your job, family, finances, retirement fund, people and etc. I am not saying that those things are bad, but trusting in anything or anybody is a violation in God's Kingdom. Our trust is to only be in him. He uses these things to help us because he knows we need money to live and he created the family to support us. Just find out from the Lord how he wants us to handle it all. So in conclusion, the spirit of distraction has set an attack against God's people. Hold up your shield of faith and use the sword of the Spirit to take it down. Do not allow distractions to cheat you out of God's Best! We are Ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20

Sunday, April 26, 2015


In conversation with a very good friend of mine, the subject of faith came up. We often discuss the goodness of God and how the journey is a learning and growing process. That faith is the center and that there is no way around faith. As I stated at the end of the last post, faith is our foundation.  So as we were talking, my friend made this statement, "faith stands in the place of the thing you are believing God for." Immediately, Holy Spirit gave me a word picture or some might call it a vision of that statement. I saw faith the way it is described in Hebrews 11, Now faith "is" the substance (my children's health, my healing, family finances, etc.) of things hoped for, the evidence (proof, bills paid, deseases gone) of things not seen (by natural sight, but seen by my supernatural sight). Faith became a tangible commodity in my spirit that I had not seen before. Then the conversation went on. Faith stands in proxy or in the place of whatever I have prayed or asked God to do in my situation. Basically this is how I saw faith in that vision. I'm from the city of Philadelphia and parking is limited there, so there were times when I was growing up where neighbors would put 2 folding chairs, spaced apart in the spot they wanted their car to be parked, in front of their house on the steeet. Why would they do that? So that no one would park there and when dad would come home, they would have a park in front of their house. So, once dad came home he would honk the horn and someone would come out of the house, move the chairs and the car would be parked.  Their desire would be met. There is no more need to have the chairs there because the car arrived. So, is our faith. The chairs represents our faith in the place of what we want...the park in front of the house. We keep the chairs (my Faith) in place until the manifestation of my prayer request. I don't look at the fact that I don't have it or that it hasn't arrived. I look at my faith which is in the place of the request. The family did not sit there looking at the chairs and doubting if the chairs could hold the spot for dad's car. No, everyone in that house after the chairs were in place went into the house and continued with life, knowing that when they hear the horn it was time to move the chair (faith) because the faith for the car to be parked was no longer necessary. Now, take chairs (faith) for that park (request) and use it in another area of your life. I don't know about you, but this gave me a boost in my Christian life. I now have another tool that helps me as I stand in faith. Most Christians lose heart, faint or give up because they are not anchored in faith. I pray that this post will give you a deeper understanding of your faith in the Lord. Christianity is not magic, it's not a microwave of events. There may be times where you have to wait.  It's better to wait with expectation and a knowing of how faith works. I must mention that we need to know if we are actually in faith or if we have imagined something that may not be a faith matter. Sometimes, we don't need to pray...we may need to do. Example, if you are not a tither, then your finances are cursed.  Malachi 3:8-12 tells you exactly why your money is funny (not good)! You cannot rob God in tithes and offerings and then ask him for more money so that you can continue to rob him and say that God doesn't answer your prayers. Find out what your part is in whatever the subject is, do your part and then expect God move on your behalf. And always remember,  God loves you and wants you to be successful. He's a loving Father and knows how to give good gifts to his children. Faith is a good gift of God, so use your gift and glorify God in all you do.    We are ambassadors of Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:20

Jesus said, "It is Finished!"

When someone announces that they are finished, what is the image that plays in your mind? First, I believe that you consider the person and what their past track record has been. Have they been trustworthy, have they ever done something that would cause you to doubt them, do they have a good reputation, etc.? All these thoughts runs through our mind so quickly and you might not even realize that this thought process occurred! As you ponder their statement, "it is finished," you then need to find out what the "it" is that they finished. Was it an assignment you gave them, is it dinner...what is finished? Once you discover what the "it" is, then you have to have a reference as to how would you determine if "it" truly is finished. In this entire process if you don't ask the right questions, or if you don't have the right reference point, you won't know for sure if indeed this person finished the task. So for these three simple words, "It is Finished" we have just opened up a can of worms as it were and the worms are not going back into the can. In John 6:63, Jesus tells us that the words he speaks to us "they are spirit and they are life." So, let's find out the spirit and the life that are in the words Jesus spoke in John 19:30 when he said, "It is Finished." As stated above, one would need to establish the character of the person speaking. Jesus and the Father are one, John 10:30. In Numbers 23:19 we find that God cannot lie, so Jesus cannot lie. Now that is a characteristic that I can trust. Next, let's find out what Jesus finished. In Luke 4:18-21 Jesus quoted a portion of Isaiah 61 where the definition of the "IT" is expanded and explicit, to the point in the whole chapter. So, you will need to do a study of what Jesus' assignment was ib Isaiah 61 and then you will have to decide if you believe him when he said it is finished. Do you believe not only that you are saved from hell and will live with Jesus forever...but do you also believe the rest of what Jesus came to do is for you? It takes faith to trust that Jesus finished everything that he came to do and that it is available to you as a child of God. In John 10:10 Jesus tells what the devil came to do and what he came to do. Jesus that he came for us to have life more abundantly. This sounds like Isaiah 61 to me in a nutshell! So, will you believe Jesus when he said, it is finished? We can't believe in what we are experiencing if it doesn't line up with God's word. That's what faith is all about. We must trust, believe, and expect to possess what God intended for us. The Christian life should not be the same as those who don't know Jesus. In scripture we are called a new creature, a chosen generation, kings and priests unto God. What do these descriptions mean to you? Anyone can look in a dictionary and get the meaning of words, but we need the supernatural meanings because remember that the words spoken to us are spirit and life, not natural! Faith is the Christian's starting point and it is how we are to live. We began by believing that God sent his Son to save us. We have to continue in faith for throughout eternity. So in conclusion,  I want to encourage you to find out what your covenant rights are in Christ Jesus and use your faith to obtain them. It's your gift! 2 Corinthians 5:20

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hey, Let's Just Talk Today!

Dear Blog Readers, I trust God that you are receiving from him direction, helps, and answers as you continue to follow and read these posts monthly. Much of what is said may not be famliar to your thought process, but if you would allow your spirit-man, that has been recreated in Christ Jesus take hold of the words you will gain understanding and knowledge in the Spirit.  I think the hardest thing for me when I hear another revelation on familiar scriptures is to open up to the Holy Spirit and allow him to reveal if this is truth...or has this person gone off the deep end! So, as you read my posts monthly, I would encourage you to try the spirit of what you are reading and ask Holy Spirit to lead and guide you to the truth. I have read a scripture throughout my Christian life and I must say that the Lord opens up different facets of his word to me. I have found that God's word is always pregnant, giving me more help, instruction, and answers at different times in my life. Allow Jesus to breath on the word you read and be a seeker of his wisdom. If you have just come across this blog of ambassadors for Christ, or if you are a follower just go back and read some of the posts throughout the years that have been written. Mainly I encourage you to go to the scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to understand God's will for your life. "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." John 3: 17 God IS Love, so since he is love, all he can do is love. Everything God has done from beginning to end is because of his love for mankind. Now, as you know we are celebrating Jesus' Resurrection this coming Sunday. I challenge you to receive him as your Lord and Saviour if you who are reading this post have not already. I encourage you to rededicate your life to Jesus if you have turned away from him. I dare you who may have been told that there is no God to open up your heart and mind and at least find out for yourself by talking to the God of creation, pick up the bible and begin reading the gospel of John. Ask questions, God is not afraid of your tough questions. You need...we all need answers, so let's get to it. Celebrate Jesus daily, come out of yourselves and your troubles and simply thank God for giving his love through his Son Jesus. All of us have something that we can thank God for in our lives! 2 Corinthians 5:20 "We are ambassadors for Christ."

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Love of God

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16 Now that's love! No matter how much we love our family or friends, it will never measure up to how much God loves us. And to top it off God had purpose behind all this love! God did not want us to perish and he wanted us to have everlasting life. Most times we us gages in order to disburse our love to people. Like whether they love us, or because they're our children, maybe the person has been a support to us in times of need, but usually we don't love people who from the start reject us. God knew that the world would not love him and still God gave his Son for us...that is true love! So, when you have an opportunity to share God's love and you get rejected, just remember the Love if God and love them just like he did. It's not about us but it is about God!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Gods Spoken Word

Have you ever received a more in depth revelation from the Lord on a scripture you have read many times over? Well, on the 6th of this month while I was having my fellowship time with the Lord, he gave this revelation on the creation in Genesis. These are the circumstances I was facing during this revelation. My physical body had been under attack and I had been reading and meditating on scripture promises about my healing. Jesus paid the price for all sicknesses and diseases for us who believe. I believe I am healed by the stripes Jesus bore, so I was coming against the attack on my body. Then Holy Spirit took me to Genesis when God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Genesis 1:26 (KJV is my version of choice 1st, then I reference it with other versions). Then he said to me that you(mankind) exists only by God's Word. God said and it was, so he made us with his word. Everything God created was by his word and the the elements came together at his command. I responded, yes I know(Tip: sometimes it's best to not respond what we know to the creator of Life!). Holy Spirit began to teach me this important truth about my body and what I was going through at the time. He said, since God created me with his Word, then it is his Word that sustains me! Selah(stop, and think about it). WOW, I had to take a moment to comprehend that statement. As I was meditating what the Holy Spirit just said, I could see it clearly. When I shared this with a good friend of mine this is an example Holy Spirit gave me to help the listener/hearer see it clearly. When your tire is in need of repair the specialist uses the same material it was made out of. They do not use iron, stone, wood, etc. to plug a tire, they use rubber. Well, in the same way when there's a hole in our body(sickness, disease), we have to use the Word of the Living God to bring our body back to its healthy place. God's Word spoken to and over our bodies brings God's original purpose to that defect. This is why God made us in his image and after his likeness so that we, just like He spoke will do the same and speak life over everything he made and maintain it as he would. God made the earth for us to dominate and keep it in the same condition as he created it. The only way we can do that is by speaking God's Word over everything and into every thing always. God passed on his ability to us in his image and likeness. Think about the word "image and likeness." When I look in a mirror I see a physical image of what I look like on the outside, but God wants us to see our real image and the only way we can see our real image is by looking into the Word of God and seeing his image in the mirror. Thank God for doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, nurses, medications and all of the medical field! But they can only help plug, piece together, give relief, just like the tire specialist to the tire. None of that will ever put the thing back to its original position. Only God's SPOKEN word(not having read word) can bring us back to our original place of wholeness. There are countless testimonies where doctors have diagnosed people and after God's Word penetrated those areas, those people have gone back to the doctor and there is no evidence of anything ever being wrong with that part of their body. How can this be? Only God's spoken word can completely eradicate sickness and disease. Operations, medications and other medical procedures can get rid of whatever it is, but in every case there is a scare, something missing or some evidence that another doctor unrelated to your case will be able to detect that there was something that happened. But, our Eternal Physician can operate on us and there is not any evidence that there was an operation. Example, God performed the 1st operation. He put Adam under with his anesthesia, used his own scalpel to open his flesh, removed a rib, and closed up his flesh and there was no recovery period, no medication regiment to follow afterwards and no stitches or scar Adam had to sustain after the operation. Again, since God created it, God is able to sustain it. We were created by Gods Word and we are sustained by Gods Word. Now this is just one area that we can apply this truth. Every time God gives us a revelation of his Truth, we can most assuredly apply it to our entire life. Don't limit God! As the days went on with this new revelation I received, I was reading Proverbs 4:20-23 and all the scriptures that I had been speaking over my body. Then Holy Spirit said, "have you really read what those verses are saying?"(this time I didn't answer, yes I know). Proverbs 4:20-21 is saying "His(Gods') word, attend to them incline your ears to them and keep them in your heart." So I continued to listen. Holy Spirit said, "You are reading scriptures about healing for your body which is nothing wrong with that, but do not limit what you have been given. Proverbs 4:20-23 is talking about ALL OF GODS WORDS are life and health. You can read and meditate all of Gods word and it will be life and health to you. WHOA! I had to Selah again. I read Proverbs 4:20-23 again and I saw it clearly. I had limited Gods word. Everything that God spoke and Jesus spoke(John 6:63...the words that I {Jesus talking} speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life) are life changing and any situation I am experiencing can be changed if I receive his word, believe his word, keep his word in my heart, speak his word and act on his word.
The most important thing in this whole message is for us to understand that we are sustained by Gods Word because that's how we were the spoken word of God our Father! Genesis 1:31 "And God saw everything that he had made and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."  God Spoke very good when he made you and I, so do as he did and speak very good over your life and over everything always!
My prayer for you, my blog followers is in Ephesians 1:15-23.
I am an ambassador for Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:20