Hopefully you have been studying the scriptures and reading them in a different light since you have been reading my blog posts.
Are you ready for the next topic in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified? Today we will discuss Jesus' Blood and its' Power.
I have traveled to Israel and once you have traveled where Jesus walked, the scriptures open up in ways you cannot explain. You really begin to imagine yourself being there as you remember the various scripture references to Israel when you are standing there. I saw the garden (Gethsemene) where Jesus prayed. I walked the path where he rode into Jerusalem and the people cried out "Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord!" I walked the path that led to the hill where Jesus was crucified after he was beaten. I saw the tomb where he was laid.
Of course as a tourist, it is hard to get the tour guides to all agree where the exact spots are of all of these facts. But what I know is that Jesus experienced everything the scriptures say he did. I believe! Does it matter if "people" agree on the exact spot it all happened? No! What matters is that our faith in Jesus, where he lived, and what he did for us not waver. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the power of God!
Besides, we do not have to travel to Israel to get that experience. All we need do is to travel by God's Spirit. So let's take a trip back to the night before and the day of Jesus' assignment being fulfilled.
Today's Scripture Reference Chapters:
St. Matthew 26 & 27
St. Mark 14 & 15
St. Luke 22 & 23
St. John 18 & 19
They (the religious leaders who denied who Jesus was) came to arrest Jesus at night, Luke 22:53.(please refer to the above references.) That's how Satan operates in people's lives, in darkness. Whether it be the dark of night or the darkness of one's heart and mind!
The first Blood reference appears as Jesus prayed to the Father in the garden, his place of solitude. Sweat which appeared as drops of blood, Luke 22:44. I have never prayed to that extent, but Jesus still knows our heart as we are seeking God's perfect will, just as he wanted to be sure this was what Father God had for him. Let us say as Jesus said, "Not my will but "Your" will be done."
So now we see Jesus' Blood shed is when he received the scourging (whipping/lashing/flogging typically used by the Romans before crucifixion to torture). Matthew 27:26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1 In reading accounts of how the Romans whipped people, it is simply unimaginable what Jesus went through and the massive amount of blood that was shed as he was beat.
Yes, there was more of Jesus' Blood shed. From his head as they plaited a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and mocked him. Matthew 27:29, John 19:2, Mark 15:17 I have been pricked by a thorn and it really hurts. Now imagine a crown of thorns being pushed down on your head and blood streaming down your face and head.
Jesus' Blood being shed for us when he was nailed to the cross. Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:33, & John 19:18 The scriptures do not explain the process of how Jesus was crucified, but there are many articles you can research on Roman Crucifixions and I have included a link below. Once you truly understand that it was more than being nailed to wood, you have to appreciate Jesus precious blood, shed for you and I. Why would he submit himself to this is the BLOOD wasn't important? And to know that He did it for everyone not matter who you are, the Blood cleansing is available today!
Lastly, we see Jesus' Blood shed from his side, when he was pierced as recorded in John 19:24. But not only blood this time, it was blood and water. Why water? It was more than just the body releasing fluids. Let's look past our knowledge of the body and let's look at the meaning of each element that flowed from his body.Jesus said, that no one takes his life, but that he laid down his life. His purpose was to give LIFE back to mankind which is what his shed Blood represents. Genesis 4:10 and Deuteronomy 12:23
Then the Water represents the CLEANSING of the world stained by sin. Ephesians 5:26
The Conclusion of the Matter
Why is there all these references to Jesus' Blood in scripture? I never thought about it before, but as I have been studying Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, it has to mean something important, or the scriptures could have simply said Jesus died, was buried, was resurrected on the third day and ascending on high to the Father. But we read the details of Jesus' last night and his last day on earth as a man and what he endured for us.
Let's visit other scriptures to get some answers as to why so many references was made to Jesus' Blood being shed. Jesus himself makes His Blood the focus of "The Last Supper" topic with the bread and wine.
Jesus said in Luke 22:19-20: And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
His body and his blood was an important element in our eternity and in our life here before death. God didn't just send Jesus into the world to die. God's plan was far reading than death.
God had to redeem us once and for all, so that his creation of mankind could get back into fellowship with him, and that takes a blood sacrifice. (read the old testament blood sacrifices).
Once and for all, God needed a sacrifice that would take care of mankind's redemption without having to be repeated. The answer, JESUS! He came not born of sin, but born in a body. No animal can represent mankind, so God gave us his precious gift of Jesus. John 3:16
What did we receive from Jesus as the Lamb of God?
- Eternal & Daily Salvation with God - John 3:16
- Abundant Life - John 10:10
- Health and Healing - Matthew 8:17
- Prosperity - 3 John 2
- Redemption from the curse of sin - 1 Peter 1: 18-21
- Dominion, Victory & Authority - 1 John 5:4
For we are Ambassadors for Christ - 2 Corinthian 5:20
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