Some may have grown up singing that song in your church services during Communion service. I did, but I never knew how true that song was as we sang it while the ushers where passing out the crackers and juice!
I always thought that we were singing it to give the ushers time to pass everything around to the members filling in the dead space until it was time for our Pastor to pray over it and direct us to partake of the Lord's Body and Blood.
Little did I know that the lyrics to that song was telling us about the power we possessed through Jesus. Here, let's review the lyrics of the chorus:
There is Power, Power, Wonder working Power
In the Blood, of the Lamb
There is Power, Power, Wonder working Power
In the Precious Blood of the Lamb
God intended for Jesus' Blood to have many applications. The basic application that many of us know about is to save us from eternal damnation by receiving Jesus Christ as our Saviour and accepting God's plan of salvation for our eternity through his death burial and resurrection. That is the most important application of Jesus' Blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.
After salvation, Christians seem to have left the Blood of Jesus except on the 1st Sunday of each month(or which ever Sunday your fellowship practices remembering communion), and then tucks it away until the following month.
What I find in the scriptures is that we are to also approach the Throne room of God through the Blood of Jesus. Hebrews 10:19 (also read verses 1-23)
We need to remember that in the old testament the priests were required to present the the blood of animals for the sins of God's people. Before the priests themselves approached God, they had to apply blood to themselves. If they approached God without the blood of animals, they died. Why? Again, God requires blood to commune with mankind after Adam and Eve sinned. He can not have any dealings with sin...God is Holy!
Once Jesus shed his blood, died and rose from the dead, he presented his blood to the Father as the final sacrifice of blood that would ever be needed for the sins of the world.
God cannot look upon sin, but he made a way for us to fellowship with him and that is and has always been through blood. Even though we do not need to sacrifice animals now to present blood before we can come into his presence, we still need blood. That Blood we need now to approach him is Jesus' Blood.
God has not changed in other words. When God looks upon us, he still has to see blood, so we approach him declaring that we are cleansed by the Blood of Jesus according to his plan of salvation! Now, we can come boldly before his throne of grace. Hebrews 4:16 (also read verses 1-15)
Hebrews 13:12, Hebrews 13:20, 1 John 5:6 and Revelation 1:5 are just a few scriptures about the Blood of Jesus. If the Blood of Jesus was just for our initial salvation and to honor during communion, why are there so many references to its' application in scriptures. I encourage you to do a study of the Blood of Jesus.
There is power in the Blood of Jesus. Power against the devil, sickness, lack, and all weapons of the enemy. If Satan knew what God's plan was in sending Jesus, he would have not influenced the people to crucify Jesus. 1 Corinthians 2:8 (read the entire chapter).
When Satan entered the garden of Eden and gained access to what God gave to Adam and Eve, he thought he had finally exalted his throne above the Throne God by getting mankind to worship him through sin. Isaiah 14: 13 (also read verses 12-16).
So, the next time you participate in your fellowships' communion service, remember what Jesus did for us through his body and blood. There is power in the blood accessible to us.
We are Ambassadors of Christ 2 Corinthians 5:20
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