Friday, December 27, 2013

Why did you get saved?

Talking to a good friend the other week, and we talked about the reason why we asked Jesus into our lives. Many people received Jesus to escape hell, or to go to heaven when they die, or they've tried everything else so why not, or because they were drawn by God's love for them, or maybe even a miracle happened to them or to someone close to them. But whatever the reason you may have come to God through accepting Jesus as the only way to God, and received made the right decision! Well, later as I was meditating on the various reasons people came to know Jesus, Holy Spirit began speaking to me as he always does, enlighting my thoughts. As informitive this message was from Holy Spirit was to me, it was just as sad. I will comment on this later. He showed me that God and Adam had a great relationship. They fellowshipped on the same level. After all God made man in His own image and after his likeness. Have you ever thought, "why did God make man so special?" There are no other beings, creatures, or angels that God created in this manner. God always has a reason for everything he does. God desired fellowship with mankind on his level and he created that ability in Adam, mankind as a whole. God did not make man for heaven, God made man for the earth. In Genesis and in Revelation, you can see that man began on earth and will continue to live on earth, with access to God and Jesus in heaven. Selah. (Stop and think about it!) God already had angels, beings, cherubims, seraphims, living creatures in heaven with him, yet he made man and put him on earth. God made man differently than any other being he had already made. How can I know this? The scriptures specifically tells us that God made man in his image and after his likeness in the book of Genesis. If there were beings already made by God in his image and after his likeness there would have been no need to describe how he made man. He would have simply said, "let us make man", but God gave specifics. Also, there were no other beings God created for earth, but man. Adam had access to God in heaven and God had access to man on earth. I know you must be asking what am I getting at and I am glad you asked that question. Holy Spirit continued by revealing to my spirit that it was not God's foremeost intention for us to receive Jesus just to go to heaven or not to go to hell. NO! God wanted back what he had with Adam before Adam sinned. What did God have? He had a close relationship with his man that he made in his image and after his likeness. God came down in the cool of the day to fellowship with Adam, then he would let Adam tend to the earth, his home God created for him. So, when God gave Jesus as a ransome, he paid the ultimate price to get back what was taken from him. Through Jesus we now can fulfill God's need to fellowship with him at any time. What we fail to see and know is that once we received Jesus as our Savour and Lord, we immediately have access to heaven through Jesus at anytime. At anytime of the day or night we can be in the presence of God in Jesus Name. Once we acknowledge Jesus, his Blood gives us direct access to heaven, because through Jesus, mankinds relationship with God is restored. Now God can come and fellowship with us in the cool of the day. You ask what is the sad part about this revelation from Holy Spirit. The sad part about this, is that many Christians are so consumed with not going to hell that after they receive Jesus into their lives, they rarely take time out to fellowship with God, which is what God desires of us. Many Christians spend the majority of their time either working in church, working on behalf of the church or doing good things in the Name of God, but don't give their heart to God in fellowship developing their relationship with God. Do you have a close friend? Well, in order for you and your friend to have that relationship you would have had to spend many hours together. They know you and you know them intimately. Ask yourself this question: "Do I know God intimately? Am I allowing God to get intimate with me? Remember the purpose for mankind. God intended for mankind to chose to worship him, fellowship with him, and for him to love up on us. The sadness is that God in many cases is still not receiving from his children what he purchased and paid for through Jesus' Blood, death, burial and resurrection. But, we can change that today. Each of us can come to Father in worship, praise, thanksgiving and gratefulness and spend time with him. Not asking him for anything, and not praying for yourself or others, but simply come into his presence just seeking his face and getting to cozy up with our Creator. Give God what he desires. . . .YOU! Now, if you have not done this consistantly, it will take some persistance and consistance in not asking him for things. Because we all have needs or know someone else who has a need that we could ask God to meet, but when do we stop to find out what God needs from us today. SELAH (Stop and think about it) My challenge to you today is for you to go to God in worship and praise from your heart and sit in his lap and hug on him and allow him to hug on you. Tell him how wonderful he is, how beautiful and great he is to you. Be honest and don't try and force it, but take time out to rehearse his goodness and the things he delivered you from. As you begin to riminis all the things God has brought you through and out of, you can't help but to praise him, thank him and love on him. God is a great and marvelous Father, protector, provider, helper, lover, teacher, strengthener, Shepherd, and a righteous, forgiving and patient God. Father God, Jehovah, the I am that I am, our Source, our Righteousness you are just, kind, true and loving God. Today, don't put off climbing up in his lap and fellowshipping with him. As I was determined to give Father what he created me for, it was so amazing how he gave me insight into things that I was dealing with in my life. I never asked him for help in those matters, the only thing I was doing was fellowshipping, praising him, telling him how wonderful he his, and he began doing so many great things in my life. I love you Father, I worship you and I acknowledge you as the only true and living God. Jesus, thank you for everything you did for me. Spirit of the Living God, thank you for revealing to me the Father's desires. I praise you for your goodness and faithfulness towards me. I am honored to be in your presence and I bless you all the days of my life for you alone are worthy to be praised.

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