I don't know about you...but 2014 has been a great adventure in the Kingdom of Heaven. If you have been following my posts and putting into your lifestyle these nuggets, I am sure you can say the same about 2014 no matter what challenges you may have experienced. You see, we don't walk by sight or by what we experience. No we walk by faith in Jesus, in what God's word promises, by our spiritial insight of who we are and where we are from. If my situation is in opposition with what God's word says about who I am and what he has purposed for me, then it's of no importance in my life. I simply dismiss it's lies and move on in faith proclaiming the truth. The facts say one thing to me, but the Truth is what the Word of God says. This year I have had many attacks on my body, finances, and in general just like you may have experienced. I still can say that 2014 has been a great adventure in spite of the attacks from the devil. The difference has been that I decided to stand up to the "facts" with the word of God which is the truth about my health, finances and family. When my body tries to say that you are sick, I talk to my body and let it know that we are not accepting that as the truth. The word of God says that Jesus already bore all sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities by his stripes. 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:5...that is the truth! So, if the symptoms present themselves to me I still maintain my confession of faith that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. So, I have seen God manifest himself in each challenge I experienced this year. I had to make a decision that since I am a child of God then I must start living the lifestyle that Jesus paid for when he redeemed my life. Please understand that I am not saying that no rain will fall because the bible teaches us that the rain falls on the good and the bad. What I am saying is that we must understand how to come in out of the rain by using our God given privileges and rights God's kingdom. Well, let's go into 2015 having made the decision to speak the truth about our lives and resign from talking about the facts. Renember...THE TRUTH OVER RIDES THE facts!
2 Corinthians 5:20
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Jesus is the ONLY reason
During this time of year you will typically hear or see this slogan, "Jesus is the reason for the season." I would like to submit that Jesus is the ONLY reason for every season. If not for Jesus where would I be daily? I celebrate Jesus and his finished work of the Cross. Jesus provided everything I would ever need for my entire life. So, thoughout the end of this year and entering the new year, continue to celebrate Jesus Christ and all he did for you. Jesus is Lord!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Jesus, our example
Jesus lived as an example for us to live. Have you ever met Christians who seemingly thought that they deserved more than what they see others have achieved? Well, what would you say if I told you that they are right? Think about this, our Father is creator of heaven and earth, Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, we are heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ Jesus. What does that mean to you? The truth is when God made Adam in his image and after his likeness he intended for mankind to subdue, replenish and dominate. What does that mean to you? We as children of God are supposed to look, act, live and function different than the people who are not saved. That way, the world can see the difference and desire to find out who our God is and ask, "what must I do to be saved. Do you remember how the children of Israel were circumsized? It was to distinguish them from the other nations. God's intention is always to make a difference between his people and the world. In our society it's not being circumsized that will show the difference, but being saved with wealth, health and abundance. Why, because that is what the people of this world system are striving for but they are going about it the wrong way. We will be debt free and wealthy. We will be completely healed without medications. We will be wise without " Dr." in front of our names. God knows how to influence people to draw them to him. God will use whatever he pleases to show his love whether you agree with this blog or not. In the last days God will pour out of his Spirit upon all flesh. What does that mean to you? We need to stop putting God in a box...he will not be hindered by what you believe or don't believe. His heart is that all be saved and come into the truth, so we need to get ready to see greater and mightier things than Jesus did begin to happen in our midst. Our job is to get on board and not to reject God's best to carry out his will in earth as it is in heaven.
We are ambassadors for Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:20
Monday, September 29, 2014
How is your life going?
Well, we have discussed many aspects of the importance of Jesus Christ, him crucified and what that means to Christians. Jesus paid for us to spend eternity with God, forgiveness of sin, our healing, provision for us to live and to reign with him forever. Many rest on the truth that we will spend eternity with God and I agree, that is the best, especially when you consider the consequences of rejecting what Jesus did for us...eternity in hell separated from God. Why can't we now receive the fullness of what God provided us when God gave us his Son? We cannot say that we didn't know, because the scriptures are very clear as to what Jesus gave us. Let's just do a short list of provisions God provided his children through everything Jesus did: "My peace give I unto you,(do you need peace?) I am come that you might have life, and life more abundantly,(could you use some abundance?) he who believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works shall he do, (desiring to do something great?) and whatsoever you ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son, (do you want to glorify the Father with your life in the Son?). These are just a few things that Jesus provided us. I don't think Christians believe it and that's why we do not see the miracles, signs, wonders, and exploits happening in our churches, homes and where we live. We have to believe first...before we receive. Our whole existence as a Christian depends upon faith. We have never seen God or Jesus, yet we believe that they are and that we will spend eternity with them. THAT IS FAITH! What happened to our faith once we asked Jesus into our lives confessing him as the only begotten Son of God? I know that it is a lot to believe, but our Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ are the same today as we read about in the scriptures. It's not them who have changed. It's us who have allowed what we experience overrule us, instead of taking that step of faith and walk on the water keeping our eye's on Jesus. Then and only then will we see the miracles, signs, and wonders of the old and new testaments occurring in our midst. Let's just use our imagination, vision, hope, and God given desires to see the mighty works of God in our lives. And I am not just talking about at church services...I am talking about each of us allowing God to use us to bring his will here to earth. In the beginning, God had a great plan for mankind to reign, rule, subdue, and dominate. Those are not bad words when used within God's boundaries. Jesus gave his life to bring us back to God's original plan. Let's start by asking God to show us His Glory. Moses asked God to show him his glory, and boy-o-boy did God's Glory show up. What is God's Glory? God's glory is "ALL THAT GOD IS, ALL THAT GOD HAS, AND ALL THAT GOD CAN DO." If you read the accounts of Moses and all God did you will agree that God's Glory is awesome. Do you think God wanted to show his Glory to Moses only? Each and every Christian can experience God's Glory if we can only believe. Time to stop reading the past. Time to continue the Kingdom of Heaven here.
Remember, we are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20
Saturday, August 23, 2014
What is your purpose? Do you know that everyone born has a purpose? Do you know that once born, your purpose begins? Do you think that you can know your purpose? Do you even believe that you have a purpose? What do you believe about your life? Why do you believe that about your life? Do you think that there is a purpose for you and you just don't know how to find it out? Is it frustrating to wonder why? Can you see yourself ever knowing the answers to these questions? Why or why not? Do you care? Why? Do you think your life is just fine without knowing what your purpose looks like? Do you BELIEVE that you are living your purpose? (OR) Do you KNOW that you are living your purpose? Or...maybe you never thought about this subject and made decisions for your life based on necessity, limited options, family or peer pressures, self fulfillment, finances, location, or other reasons. Now that you are in Christ, do you think you should find out the answer to the PURPOSE question? Why or why not?
Jesus paid a great price for us and we as God's people (those who have received Jesus as our Saviour, Lord and King) should ask Father God what his plan and purpose is for our lives. Many times we already have a desire that God has placed in our hearts from our youth that is to direct us to our purpose. MY STORY: I was a teenager in the early 70's and girls either went into nursing, grade school teacher, secretarial, accounting or other "female" professions which was fine if that was a desire you had. There is nothing wrong with those fields. The problem was that society in some sectors where I grew up in, expected you to fall in line. Well I took business in high school to become a CPA. I didn't like it. I could do the work, but being with numbers all day did not seem appealing. But after graduating from high school I enrolled in a jr. college for business but I could not do it, so that was that. Little did I know that God had already placed in my heart a love for caring for young children. When I was younger I would take care of the kids in my neighborhood. I had forgotten about that, but God steered me back to that desire and in my early 20's I began teaching preschool. Then my home daycare business, and working with infants through age 4 was so satisfying. People would say to me, "why don't you get a degree and teach grade school, jr. or high school." My response was that I am where I need to be. Anyway, I have been working with children from birth to 5 years of age for over 35 years now. My response is still, "I am in my right place!" So, I could have made a huge mistake going into the accountant field. But the bright side of my taking those classes is that it helped me as a business owner! So, I ask you again, "WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE?" You are an ambassador for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20
Monday, June 23, 2014
Jesus Christ and him Crucified
This is the basis of our belief system as Christians. But many Christians are not familiar with everything Jesus did in his death, burial, resurrection and assention on high with our Father God.
Escaping eternal damnation in hell is good enough for most of our brothers and sisters, but it wasn't enough for God. God, through Jesus gave us a way into his presence to worship him, to have an eternity with him, salvation from sickness, poverty, the curse, redemption, authority and power. Why and for what? The Father wants us to live his kingdom lifestyle here on earth. (Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven). The devil does not want you to know the power that you have over him, so he can keep you sick, broke, condemned, blaming God for the situations you are in and to keep you from stopping him and his destruction in your life. Through Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross we have abundant life and that life is to begin now, not when we get to heaven. If you will start today and begin to find out what Jesus did for you and talk about it, tell your situations about what is yours and believe that you are an heir of God and joint heir with Jesus then your faith will grow. We are not defeated. What Jesus did when he said "It is finished" can not be changed, it's irrevocable, it's eternal, completely completed and has given us the knowledge that satan is permanently defeated in our lives. Stand tall and declare that Jesus is Lord and that you have the victory over every situation and challenge. Do not believe what you see or hear from the devil. He is a liar and is the father of lies, so why believe anything that does not have victory. Keep standing in your heritage in Christ Jesus. You are an ambassador for Christ and every provision you need, God has provided through Jesus Christ and the finished work if the cross. Not the wooden beam, the cross is everything Jesus bore for you and I and it was crucified. Jesus took our place so that we could have life. Thank you Jesus for everthing you did for me. Amen
Friday, May 30, 2014
The Jericho Walls
Joshua 5:13-15 and Joshua 6:1-20
As I often do, I was talking about the goodness of the Lord God with a friend a little while ago. We discussed all that he has done for us, through us, and in our lives. Simply taking time out to celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ and Father God and giving him the glory for the victory in our lives.
The subject of Joshua and the Lords' command to take the city of Jericho came up. I am sure that at some point in your life, it seemed as if walls were built up all around your life and the enemy seemed to be taunting you, trying to keep you from God's Blessing.
Well, that was the topic of our conversation. As I was listening to my friend describe how God came in and tore down the walls of Jericho and how the Israelites took the city as God commanded them. How the inhabitants of Jericho must have bolted all the gates of the city to ensure that no one could get in and that they believed that they were safe of the Israelites attack.
Joshua 6:1 says that the city was immediately and completely shut up and that no one came in, and no one went out of Jericho.
Then like a movie screen with surround sound I heard and saw this revelation from the Lord, "WHEN THE WALLS FELL DOWN, THE GATES WERE STILL LOCKED UP!" I spoke out loud what I heard to my friend and said you know when the walls of Jericho fell down, the gates were still locked. Huh? I saw in my spirit crumbling walls, stones, rocks and gates which had fallen to the ground and the gates were still bolted.
Once I realized it was the Spirit of God speaking to and through me I almost jumped out of my seat about what he had just revealed to us.
The message was clear. It doesn't matter what anyone or any system tries to do to keep me out, if God wants me in...then he will get me in! Bless the Lord, I could just shout right now. Praise God! Are you getting this revelation? Do you understand what the Lord is saying to us? The Jericho walls fell as recorded in Joshua 6:20.
Do you think that as the walls were breaking apart that someone in the city unbolted the gates? NO! The gates fell flat too just like the walls of the city and they were still locked up. The same gates that the people of Jericho thought would keep God's people out, God showed them and us that he did not have to come through the gates to get his people into the city and possess the city.
You got it now don't you?
Are there any gates, doors, systems, etc. closed to you and your life right now?
Well, just see what the Lord has to say about that situation. If our Lord God wants you to have what "they" think they are keeping from you, just seek God and find out what his instructions are for you to take it. God will give you revelation and instruction along with the power to move on it and it won't necessarily be they way the "they" think you will come in after it. Bless God.
I am telling you that our God is faithful and he will never run out or exhaust his treasure chest of deliverances for you and I. Find out what his instructions are and follow them, just as Joshua did and prospered.
Matthew 16:18-19 Jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church that he has built. I believe Jesus...how about you? And in verse 19 he said that he has given us the keys of the kingdom of heaven. I see victory for you, can you see it?
We have the power in Jesus to take them down. So is there anything too hard for God, Creator of Heaven and Earth?
So, whatever you are up against, just know that there is an angel sent by God whose assignment is to fulfill the Will of God to help you. (Joshua 5:13-15) When Joshua saw the angel and found out that the angel was sent to help him, Joshua didn't ask any more questions. He went forward. What do you think that angel did? The walls came down didn't they?
Understand that we have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
We are ambassadors for Christ!
2 Corinthians 5:20
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Wait Patiently on the Lord
Last month as I was meditating on God's word I got to thinking about waiting patiently on the Lord. I have been waiting for some things as we all have been from time to time as Christians. As I was talking to Father and asking him for strength about waiting here's what I heard the Father say, "Even I have to wait." Well, you can guess that when I heard that sentence I sat up to hear the rest. "I have been waiting for my original plan for earth and man to be restored since Adam sinned. My plan to bring restoration is still in progress." Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that things will be completed and the book of Revelation clearly discribes how things will be, but God is still waiting. "How long have you been waiting daughter? Have you been waiting as long as I have for what you have asked?" I repented for every time I got impatient. God told me these things not to condemn, because he loves us so much. He wants us to understand that he will never ask his children to do something that he is not willing to do or something that he has not already done. I got a new insight and a deeper love for God through this session with him. Yes session. It was therapy to my soul. Just think about what you have asked God for and are waiting for to happen. With this insight I pray that you will truly wait patiently on the Lord. Just as he has planned out his desires to be fulfilled, just know that he has also planned out your desires and has an appointed time for you and them to meet. Don't faint. Don't give up. Keep walking on the path of righteousness and you will get there.
Jesus died for us to have abundant life so don't let what Jesus did for you be in vain. God is waiting patiently for you to return to him...so come!
Monday, February 24, 2014
Hey Everybody,
Insert your own title means, you decide the title of this post and what it means to you.
You know how as a Christian you have been praying, asking, knocking, seeking and making sure that we have every avenue covered for the things we desire?
Well, stop it! What do I mean?
God loves us so much, long before we knew what scriptures to quote, long before we knew how to pray effectively, long before we even were born, God loved us and it didn't matter what we did, it could not stop him from loving us. Yes, even thoughs who have not received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, God loves them. He loves them, but he also has to let them make the choice to receive his gift of Jesus or not.
We have grown up in a Christian society where we believe that we always have to do something in order for God to do something on our behalf. What an insult that is to God.
Do we really think we can work hard enough, pray long enough, minister deep enough to get God to move? Let's really stop a minute and think about what I am saying.
Yes, we are to do good, pray, read our bibles, help others, and striving to live clean lives before the Lord. All of this is good. So, what happens to thoughs of God's children who don't pray long enough, work hard enough, or minister deep enough? Does God love them any less? God forbid!
By doing this, in our lives we are bringing God down to a level that he never deserved to be on in your lives. I am not saying that God is lowering himself. NO! I am saying that in your mind, you are lowering God to be like you are in your life.
God does not need us to pray long, work hard, minister deep. God needs us to love him, worship and adore him, accept everything he has given to us freely.
God NEVER, EVER put a price on his Free Gifts to us, but we have set up our lives as if he did.
God never gave us a price list in the scriptures. All Father wants from us is to receive his gifts. God's Grace is so amazing. His gifts are without repentance. There is nothing that you can do that would make God stop loving you, his child.
If you know how to give good gifts to your children, HOW MUCH MORE does your heavenly Father know how to give good gifts unto his children?
For by grace you were saved through faith, it is the gift of God, not of works LEST any man should boast.
We came to God belieivng that he is and that the only way to him is through Jesus, and by his grace, his favor, his gift he gave us freely and gave us eternal life through Jesus.
So what makes people, after they become Christians think that their works is what will sustain their life? Just a trick of the enemy. If the enemy can keep us striving to work our way through the kingdom, he has stopped the flow to us from God of everything he purposed for us as his children.
Everything God provided for us he did out of his love for us. His grace showers us if we will receive it. A friend told me that we can be so busy doing things, or trying to clean ourselves up, or trying to convince others that we have changed that we miss God's grace flow. God's Grace flows all around us daily. Reach out in faith and received it.
Then, when we feel as if God didn't answer our prayers, or he didn't give us what we were standing in faith for, or the answer came too late, or (you add your own complaint to this list), then we give up and decide that it's not working for me.
Guess what? You are right! It will never work, because God's kingdom is established on his love for us not on how much we can do to get his love. Have you ever tried to earn someone's love? It's a pretty hard thing to do isn't it.
Well, God will never make you earn his love. He loved you long before you were ever born. All God is doing is inviting us into his love flow. Just jump in and receive from him.
Try this for one day, and watch God. Talk to God about how much he loves you, how his love has kept you. Meditate and thank God for how his love has already done everything that you could ever need, ask or think. Spend a day just receiving God's love without doing your "chore list" of spiritual works to talk to God.
Just go to him with a honest heart and let him know that you want his gifts, his favor and that you receive his grace for your life. No confessions of faith, or big introductions. Simply become as a little child, climb up in his lap and cry Abba, Father!
Just spend a day accepting God's love, grace, favor, gifts, surprises and blessings. They have been there all along, you just couldn't see them because of all the building blocks you put up along the way.
God will never love you any less than any one else. Sometimes it may look that way, but you have to know that you have access to the same blessings as any of your brothers and sisters in Christ.
I love you Father, and I thank you today for your gift of grace in my life. I receive your favor and your love for me. I know that there is nothing that I could ever do to make you love me more. You already love me so much and it will never end.
God back a fall in love with the Father. Tear down the "works walls" you have built up and just enjoy fellowshipping with the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
If you really do this, you will never go back to the old way, but you will embrace God's free gifts. Unwrap his love and enjoy him!
2 Corinthians 5:20
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Happy New Year!
My prayer for you all this year is that you will experience God's Divine Grace and know that all the blessings in your life is directly from Father God.
Sometimes, we fail to give honor to God for the blessings we encounter from day-to-day. I keep a running record of daily, weekly and/or monthly blessings God gives to me.
Don't get me wrong, there are times that I forget to write them down, but I try to get to it as soon as I can to put into remembrance the things my Lord did on my behalf.
Many of the things may seem small to others that may read them but to me, it reminds me of how God's thoughts are towards me continually. You really need to read Psalm 139, really read it.
I believe if we give thanks to God throughout our day, our days get better and better and we look forward to each morning or night we wake up.
It's hard to being thankful and complaining at the same time. Nor can you complain and give thanks at the same time. Try it, it just doesn't work together.
Why not give God the glory and praise instead of saying "Something told me to do this or that." I hear Christians give praise to luck or even to themselves for being so smart when things work out great.
But then when things go wrong in their lives, they so quickly turn on God and blaming him for not helping them. WOW!
Could it be that since you and your ego has grown so large that you don't have ears to hear when God is trying to help you out of a situation that your smarts can't do this time?
My point is, let's give God the glory and praise for all the good, and ask him for his wisdom when something happens that doesn't seem to be good.
I can recall many situations where I thought something that happened was a bad thing and as the months went on I understood that God had intervened and if he hadn't at that particular time, I don't know where I would have ended up.
Father God loves us so much. (Really read Psalm 139.) We cannot continue going through life not understanding God's amazing love for us.
Jesus is God's first indicator of how much he loves us. John 3:16
Spend your time thanking God throughout your day and see how things develop in your life this year.
We are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20
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