Monday, June 23, 2014

Jesus Christ and him Crucified

This is the basis of our belief system as Christians. But many Christians are not familiar with everything Jesus did in his death, burial, resurrection and assention on high with our Father God. Escaping eternal damnation in hell is good enough for most of our brothers and sisters, but it wasn't enough for God. God, through Jesus gave us a way into his presence to worship him, to have an eternity with him, salvation from sickness, poverty, the curse, redemption, authority and power. Why and for what? The Father wants us to live his kingdom lifestyle here on earth. (Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven). The devil does not want you to know the power that you have over him, so he can keep you sick, broke, condemned, blaming God for the situations you are in and to keep you from stopping him and his destruction in your life. Through Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross we have abundant life and that life is to begin now, not when we get to heaven. If you will start today and begin to find out what Jesus did for you and talk about it, tell your situations about what is yours and believe that you are an heir of God and joint heir with Jesus then your faith will grow. We are not defeated. What Jesus did when he said "It is finished" can not be changed, it's irrevocable, it's eternal, completely completed and has given us the knowledge that satan is permanently defeated in our lives. Stand tall and declare that Jesus is Lord and that you have the victory over every situation and challenge. Do not believe what you see or hear from the devil. He is a liar and is the father of lies, so why believe anything that does not have victory. Keep standing in your heritage in Christ Jesus. You are an ambassador for Christ and every provision you need, God has provided through Jesus Christ and the finished work if the cross. Not the wooden beam, the cross is everything Jesus bore for you and I and it was crucified. Jesus took our place so that we could have life. Thank you Jesus for everthing you did for me. Amen

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