Ever wonder why there is so much emphasis on the Blood of Jesus in Christianity? Ever wonder why many Christians overlook the Blood of Jesus? Ever wonder why God chose blood as the way to redeem from sin? Well, let's try and answer these questions, or let's open up enough wonderment about all this to cause us all to search for the answers.
I want to begin with the last question, "why did God chose blood as the answer for sin?" I am sure that there are many scientific evidences that shows that the blood contains life in the physical body. The brain can be injured and medical science can keep one alive via machine. The lungs can give out and again there is a machine that can help them to breathe. Kidney's can shut down and there is another machine that can do what the kidneys do in the body. Must I go on? We all can agree that these are only temporary solutions, but yet still a solution.
But as far as I know, there is not machine that medical science has that can keep someone alive if the blood is gone from the body. Yes, they can try and pump blood into the body, but if the body continues to lose blood (LIFE) those efforts will end and that person will lose the life fight. I have been hospitalized twice for internal bleeding, and the doctors had very worried looks on their faces and in their eyes when talking to me about what was going on in my body. I was in ICU(intensive care unit) the first time it happened, just steps away from CCU(critical care unit) which after that is death! My doctors had to do something quick to stop the blood from leaving my body and fast as they were pumping it into me. They finally got the matter resolved and a sigh of relief was in their voice. The second time it happened I recognized the symptoms before it got ICU serious, but I still had to have blood pumped into me daily until my body could take over.
Even when blood flow is cut off from a limb, that part of the body is amputated. Why? Because medical science knows that the blood is the source of life to everything in our body. Without the blood...there is no life! Lack of blood brings weakness, an inability for the body to live, and other deterioration's of the body.
Who created the body, soul and spirit? God, our Father and Creator. God knows that the blood contains life, so in the physical body blood is vital, as well as blood is vital to our spiritual life in Him. Just as the lack of blood is to our physical body, so is the lack of "THE BLOOD" to our spirit man, our eternal existence.
So we know that sin takes life away(reference Genesis when Adam & Eve sinned), because God clearly said, "You will surely die if you eat of this tree." Satan came along and tricked Adam and Eve into believing that they would not die. They listened to his lies and we all know the result of that decision they made to eat.
God always works from and deals with our spirit before the physical happens, so when he told Adam that he would surely die, God was referring to Adam's spiritual life, not that his physical body would fall down dead! Although, Adam did ultimately physically die, God never wanted us to die, but to live. Remember, God did not create life to die! Ever wonder why the human body can take so much punishment before it just gives out? People have done so much to their bodies and you think how in the world are they still alive?
God knew then that the only way to have a relationship with his creation, that he had to get blood (LIFE) to get rid of sin (DEATH) because He is Holy and cannot have anything to do with sin. God our Father loved us, his creation so much that he had a plan to keep us spiritually connected...The Blood!
Aren't you glad that you did not live during the times of the animal sacrifices? If you have ever smelled a slaughter house of any type of animal you know that it is not a pleasant smell at all. I for one am glad that God planned for our Lord Jesus Christ to be the final sacrifice once and for all.
The Blood of Jesus doesn't cover our sin, it wipes it out forever! The blood of the animal sacrifices just covered sin and that's why they had to sacrifice ritually. Once Jesus' Blood is applied to our sin God never remembers them ever again it cannot be found. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour your past does not exist in God's eye's. Now other people will try to remind you of it, but God will never do that or he would cease to be God. For God said that he would cast our sin as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:11-13 God is not a liar!
Also, after we become Christians and if you sin, do you realize that God made provision for that also in
1 John 1:9? But we are not to try God and continue in sin. Confess, stop and go on. The more we learn and know about God, the more we should want to do what is right and stay away from sin. Let me tell you, it is a process, but you can live free from sinning.
Fall in love with the Father and you will see that you, just like Him want to have nothing to do with sin. The Blood of Jesus is LIFE for the Christian. The Blood of Jesus is LIFE for the unredeemed. Accept Jesus today.
Next time we will tackle the other two questions stated at the beginning of this blog today.
Remember we are ambassadors for Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:20
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