Saturday, July 7, 2012

God and His Eternity

It has been some time since I last blogged.  Greetings to you all and thank you for signing in to read the next installment of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified!

Early this morning as I was having my quite time with the Father, just thanking Him for who He is, the Holy Spirit said to me, "God did not want to spend His Eternity without me."  Selah (stop and think about it)

Then pictures flooded my mind and spirit of everything God did to redeem mankind through Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. 

One word picture was in Genesis chapters 1 and 2, and of how God created everything that man would need, and then he created man and woman to enjoy.  God then came down to fellowship with them, thereby He received His pleasure as Adam and Eve enjoyed what He made.  In Revelation it tells us how God created everything for His pleasure.  So, all the word pictures began to form a collage leading to God's redemption plan through Jesus.

Once man allowed sin in, God could no longer take pleasure in his creation.  God could not longer fellowship with man, so that caused him to be separated from his plan, his original intent to fellowship with mankind.  God cannot look upon sin, nor fellowship with sin or he would cease to be a Holy God!  His eternal plan to be with man had come to an abrupt halt.  Or had it?

As the portrait continued in my spirit, the Holy Spirit led me on the path of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified so that God could once again fellowship with his creation.  Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world.  How?  God knows the end from the beginning, so God had a remedy to redeem mankind so that he could continue His eternity with us in it!

Of course, mankind has a freewill, and can chose to reject Jesus and God's plan to redeem them, but his heart is for all to come to Him through Jesus so that He can enjoy and have His pleasure in His creation of man.

As I meditated on that one statement, "God did not want to spend His eternity without me"; chills ran ran through me as I received more understand about why God sent His Son.  God wanted you and I with Him throughout eternity; His original intent for creating the universe, the heavens, this planet, the vegetation, all living creatures and then mankind to enjoy it all.  God wanted to get enjoyment out of us getting enjoyment. 

The only way was to have a pure Blood sacrifice to cover sin.  It could not be accomplished through animal sacrifices or the Israelites would not have had to perform continuous sacrifices.  It would take pure blood of one who knew no sin - Jesus!

Isn't this a wonderful revelation that God wants us to enjoy life?  Most of us may have never heard that we should be enjoying life.  Growing up I heard that "you needed to work hard just to make it, and you don't need all that extra stuff; it is just waste; there are hungry children all over the world."  (By the way, I never really understood how I could help the hungry children all over the world just by not wasting food!)

We must understand what God wants, and not what people have told us in religious messages.  The truth will make you free once you hear it, receive it, and act on it.  From now on, find out what pleases God and then please Him. 

God did not want to spend his Eternity without you and I.  This changes everything for me. This revelation will be foremost on my mind.  Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is our way to please God, because He takes pleasure when He fellowships with us.  Through Jesus there is now no more separation between God and man. 

If you have never accepted God's plan of redemption, if you have never asked Jesus to be Lord of your life please do it now.  Ask Jesus to come into your life and spend your eternity with the Creator, Jehovah, the I AM that I AM, Father God.

Give God His pleasure!

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