Friday, December 27, 2013
Why did you get saved?
Talking to a good friend the other week, and we talked about the reason why we asked Jesus into our lives.
Many people received Jesus to escape hell, or to go to heaven when they die, or they've tried everything else so why not, or because they were drawn by God's love for them, or maybe even a miracle happened to them or to someone close to them.
But whatever the reason you may have come to God through accepting Jesus as the only way to God, and received made the right decision!
Well, later as I was meditating on the various reasons people came to know Jesus, Holy Spirit began speaking to me as he always does, enlighting my thoughts.
As informitive this message was from Holy Spirit was to me, it was just as sad. I will comment on this later.
He showed me that God and Adam had a great relationship. They fellowshipped on the same level. After all God made man in His own image and after his likeness. Have you ever thought, "why did God make man so special?" There are no other beings, creatures, or angels that God created in this manner.
God always has a reason for everything he does. God desired fellowship with mankind on his level and he created that ability in Adam, mankind as a whole. God did not make man for heaven, God made man for the earth. In Genesis and in Revelation, you can see that man began on earth and will continue to live on earth, with access to God and Jesus in heaven. Selah. (Stop and think about it!)
God already had angels, beings, cherubims, seraphims, living creatures in heaven with him, yet he made man and put him on earth. God made man differently than any other being he had already made. How can I know this? The scriptures specifically tells us that God made man in his image and after his likeness in the book of Genesis.
If there were beings already made by God in his image and after his likeness there would have been no need to describe how he made man. He would have simply said, "let us make man", but God gave specifics.
Also, there were no other beings God created for earth, but man. Adam had access to God in heaven and God had access to man on earth.
I know you must be asking what am I getting at and I am glad you asked that question.
Holy Spirit continued by revealing to my spirit that it was not God's foremeost intention for us to receive Jesus just to go to heaven or not to go to hell.
NO! God wanted back what he had with Adam before Adam sinned. What did God have? He had a close relationship with his man that he made in his image and after his likeness. God came down in the cool of the day to fellowship with Adam, then he would let Adam tend to the earth, his home God created for him.
So, when God gave Jesus as a ransome, he paid the ultimate price to get back what was taken from him. Through Jesus we now can fulfill God's need to fellowship with him at any time. What we fail to see and know is that once we received Jesus as our Savour and Lord, we immediately have access to heaven through Jesus at anytime.
At anytime of the day or night we can be in the presence of God in Jesus Name. Once we acknowledge Jesus, his Blood gives us direct access to heaven, because through Jesus, mankinds relationship with God is restored. Now God can come and fellowship with us in the cool of the day.
You ask what is the sad part about this revelation from Holy Spirit.
The sad part about this, is that many Christians are so consumed with not going to hell that after they receive Jesus into their lives, they rarely take time out to fellowship with God, which is what God desires of us. Many Christians spend the majority of their time either working in church, working on behalf of the church or doing good things in the Name of God, but don't give their heart to God in fellowship developing their relationship with God.
Do you have a close friend? Well, in order for you and your friend to have that relationship you would have had to spend many hours together. They know you and you know them intimately.
Ask yourself this question: "Do I know God intimately? Am I allowing God to get intimate with me? Remember the purpose for mankind. God intended for mankind to chose to worship him, fellowship with him, and for him to love up on us.
The sadness is that God in many cases is still not receiving from his children what he purchased and paid for through Jesus' Blood, death, burial and resurrection.
But, we can change that today. Each of us can come to Father in worship, praise, thanksgiving and gratefulness and spend time with him. Not asking him for anything, and not praying for yourself or others, but simply come into his presence just seeking his face and getting to cozy up with our Creator.
Give God what he desires. . . .YOU!
Now, if you have not done this consistantly, it will take some persistance and consistance in not asking him for things. Because we all have needs or know someone else who has a need that we could ask God to meet, but when do we stop to find out what God needs from us today. SELAH (Stop and think about it)
My challenge to you today is for you to go to God in worship and praise from your heart and sit in his lap and hug on him and allow him to hug on you. Tell him how wonderful he is, how beautiful and great he is to you. Be honest and don't try and force it, but take time out to rehearse his goodness and the things he delivered you from. As you begin to riminis all the things God has brought you through and out of, you can't help but to praise him, thank him and love on him.
God is a great and marvelous Father, protector, provider, helper, lover, teacher, strengthener, Shepherd, and a righteous, forgiving and patient God.
Father God, Jehovah, the I am that I am, our Source, our Righteousness you are just, kind, true and loving God.
Today, don't put off climbing up in his lap and fellowshipping with him. As I was determined to give Father what he created me for, it was so amazing how he gave me insight into things that I was dealing with in my life. I never asked him for help in those matters, the only thing I was doing was fellowshipping, praising him, telling him how wonderful he his, and he began doing so many great things in my life.
I love you Father, I worship you and I acknowledge you as the only true and living God. Jesus, thank you for everything you did for me. Spirit of the Living God, thank you for revealing to me the Father's desires. I praise you for your goodness and faithfulness towards me. I am honored to be in your presence and I bless you all the days of my life for you alone are worthy to be praised.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
We ( "I" ) Know Too Much!
This was a statement made by a promonent Pastor when he was attacked in his body by sickness. He was talking with someone, and as they reported in the conversation this man of God said, "I KNOW TOO MUCH" to let this attack take me out. (in so many words)
When I heard that testimony and how this Pastor used his faith IN God, what he knows about God, and God's Word to come through what was meant to take him out, I pondered his statement.
I began to share this testimony with a friend and as I was telling them about it, Holy Ghost began flooding my spirit and mind with the truth of that statement and made it personal.
That's right, I "DO" know too much to be sick and broken in my body because by the stripes of Jesus I am healed, God has taken sickness away from the midst of me, the Lord has healed all my diseases, I prosper and I am in good health even as my soul porspers - I KNOW TOO MUCH!
I know too much to be broke, poverty stricken and poor because Jesus became poor that I might become rich, the Lord gives me the power to get wealth that he might establish his covenant, I am a tither, so the windows of heaven blessing is poured out upon me so that I don't have room enough to receive it, I give and it's given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over - I KNOW TOO MUCH!
I know too much to be ignorant of God and his plans for me because, God made me in his image and after his likeness, I have the mind of Christ, the entrance of his words gives me light, God's thoughts toward me is to give me a future and a hope, the Lord's thoughts of me are more than the sand of the sea - I KNOW TOO MUCH!
I know too much to let the devil intimidate me and keep me from my purpose, because no weapon formed against me shall prosper, there is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, Jesus defeated the devil and made a show of him openly and stripped him of his power, God created hell for Satan and all his demons, God has given us the victory in Christ Jesus, God has seated me in heavenly places in Christ Jesus far above all principalities, might, power dominion and rulers of darkness - I KNOW TOO MUCH!
I know too much to live in condemnation of the past because if I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousness, the Lord has forgiven all my inquities, God has blotted out my sins by the Blood of Jesus, the Lord has cast my sins as far as the east is from the west, I am the redeemed of the Lord, Jesus became sin for us, I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus - I KNOW TOO MUCH!
Now, your turn, "I know too much because _________________________________________ !
Now, when this pastor made the statement that "he knows too much" it wasn't just an aquaintance of knowing what God's Word says, but it was a knowing of having an intimate relationship with the Author of the Word for years and allowing God's Word to work in his life through the years.
Before you say that you know too much, ask yourself, "Have I stood in faith on God's word and gotten the victory in my life on any challenge I have faced?" Have you, and are you now standing in faith for the Word of God to bring deliverance in your life? Have you made the decision that no matter what, you will walk and live by faith in the Only True and Living God? Have you trusted The Lord with your finances by tithing and sowing into the Kingdom? Have you put more trust in God's Word than in the doctors reports about your case? Are you a true worshipper of God everyday and not just on occasion or on Sunday's? Have you put your trust in God providing all your needs instead of in your position, job, salary, financial portfolio, etc.?
If you can say "YES" to all these statements and more, then you do KNOW TOO MUCH to go through life defeated, poor, sick, worried, purposeless, anxious, hopeless, unsure, intimidated, scared, fearful, or living a life beneath what God paid for you to enjoy.
God through Jesus redeemed us unto himself for his pleasure and for his purpose. His LOVE reached down deep and pulled us up and out of darkness and brought us into his marvellous Light so that he can have fellowship with us.
Do you really know too much? Get into God's word and meditate it day and night. Speak of it, confess it and make God's Word part of your living and breathing.
Worship God, give him the glory and thanks for your life no matter what challenges arise. Challenges do not change God's Word. God's Word changes the challenges.
These was another minister teaching on the plagues that God sent on Egypt when they had Israel in captivity. One statement the minister made was, "To the Egyptians what God sent were plagues, but to the Israelites they were wonders!" So, depending whosw side you are on will depend if you are experiencing plagues or wonders!
So, please be on God's side and witness the WONDERS so you will not get caught up under the plagues of this world system. Ask Jesus into your life if you have not already. Repent and return to God if you have wandered away. God loves you so much!
We are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
God Cannot Lie
As I was meditating on God's goodness, thanking him and spending time worshipping & praising him, Father spoke to me about how he cannot lie.
"You know that scripture?" Yes Lord, you cannot lie. "Why can't I lie?"
"The reason I cannot lie is because everything I promised that I would do, I have already done it" he said to me.
(Pause) Huh?
"I did everything that I promised I would do for you long before you were born."
"Remember the scripture that Jesus was crucified from the foundation of the earth?" Yes!
"I already did it. So, since I already did everything that I promised and said that I would do, I cannot lie because I already did it. Understand?"
O.K. yeah, that makes sense. If you already did it then you can't lie about's done"
Wow, did my spirit open up to the spirit realm then. Many scriptures rose up from the inside of me and I applied this truth of what God just spoke to me to each one and I received such understanding.
He took me back to Genesis chapters one and two. When God rested, he finished everything he was ever going to do in those six days, that's why he entered into his rest. Not rest like we think of rest from being tired. God doesn't get tired, weary like our physical bodies do and we rest and/or sleep.
God's rest is a ceasing from doing because he did everything.
I know, I was thinking some of the same things you are thinking now. If God did everything, then why, why, why?
Genesis the first chapter tells us that God, creator of heaven and earth, made us in his image and after his likeness. To do what? To have dominion over everything he made except for dominion over mankind.
So, once God sets a law in place, he steps back and allows that law to work. Example, gravity works every time. But since God gave mankind dominion over the earth man was able to create machines to break loose from gravity. Did you notice that I said "create?" We are supposed to continue from where he left off.
Where ever we see a need, we are supposed to meet that need by creating. God gave us the power and right to do so.
Do you really think God created this earth with not enough food for every person on it to have plenty? There should be no reason why some countries are poverty stricken, while others are wasteful. Do you think God did not know how many people would be on earth, so he just didn't provide enough food on this planet?
Think, Meditate, Selah!
God gave us authority and we are supposed to make it all work according to his ways. Of course the devil came in and tricked Adam and Eve into giving up their dominion and authority to him and he distorted this world and that's why we have poverty, sickness and lack around us and why so many people are seperated from God.
But praise be to God, Jesus came and took care of the devil and took back what we were supposed to have. So, if we, God's people redeemed from this world's system (which we are through accepting Jesus as our Saviour) would take our rightful place and SPEAK into existance what's missing, then there would be a great change around the world.
Oh, my mistake, forgive me. Most Christians do not believe that they have such power and authority. That's why the world is the way it is because we just can't believe that simply speaking will make any changes.
Doesn't God's word say that death and life are in the power of the tongue? And in Deuteronomy the Lords bids us to choose life. God spoke and it was, so it stands to reason that since he made us in his image and after his likeness that he expects us to do the same or else why make us like he is? Why did God tell us that he has given us dominion over the earth and all that's in it?
Think, Meditate, Selah! Does God just do or say things for nothing?
I am just crazy enough to believe that God said what he meant, and meant what he said and that settled it for him and he stopped and hallowed the 7th day.
What will it hurt to begin speaking positive, life-filled words over your life? Why not choose life and imitate God?
Instead of saying that you never have enough money, or that the sickness or desease that the doctor said that you have is uncurrable, how about saying what the Word of God says about you?
Make the scriptures personal to you:
My needs are supplied according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus! Phil.4:19
The Lord has given me power (ability) to get wealth! Deut. 8:18
By his stripes I am healed! 1 Peter 2:24 Isaiah 53:5-6
The Lord has healed all my deseases! Psalm 103:3
There are so many scriptures that we can choose to speak instead of what we have been programmed to say about our situation.
Yes, the fact may be that you are sick, poor, broke, or whatever, but that is not the TRUTH!
What we have failed to see is that the FACTS and the TRUTH are two different things in God's Kingdom. God gave us the truth in his word. We are so programmed in this world system to believe the facts that we can't even understand the difference between the two.
We who are Christ's are not of this world system although we live in the world. We are seperate, called out, peculiar people. So it stands to reason that we are suposed to to do peculiar things according to God's word.
What I am talking about cannot be unserstood with the natural mind. These are spiritual truths because God is a Spirit and God deals in the spirit.
The TRUTH is what God says always about us because we are his heirs and joint heirs with Jesus. What do you think an heir is and what a heir inherits? Through Jesus everything that God has belongs to us as heirs.
People wait for family members to die to inherit money or whatever. Well, Jesus already died so we do not have to wait, the inheritance is ours now and for eternity. And the best thing is Jesus is alive forever more to teach us how to live this new life in Him.
Tap into God's word and begin acting and imitating God as he planned for us to do.
God cannot lie becaue he already did everything he said he would do, then he told us about it in his word. Receive your inheritance. Believe that you have power to create a new environment and change your situations.
Again, what will it hurt to think and act like God. Not like Satan, trying to be God. I am not talking about trying to be God. We are not God nor will we ever be God. God is God and that's it.
What I am talking about is taking what God said about mankind in Genesis and walk in newness of life through Jesus. The only thing God is keeping from us is when JESUS will return to take us to be with him. Everything else, God freely gives to us and all we need to do is to believe his word.
The Christian life is a FAITH life and until we learn to live by, and walk by faith in the Most High God, through Jesus and his word we wll never know our potential nor see it come to pass in our lives.
Speak Life! God cannot lie.
We are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corithians 5:20
Friday, September 27, 2013
The Power With...Continued
This morning in my time with the Father, I was ministering to him letting him know how thankful and grateful I am to him for everything he has done for me. Singing praises to his Holy Name and glorifying the Lord Jesus.
Then Holy Spirit gave me a vision. Sometimes I will get a scene from a movie that I saw that conveys what the Father wants me to know and understand about his kingdom, and this morning it was a scene from "Lethal Weapon 2". In the movie, a South African diplomat was doing some under handed illegal stuff and when the lead detectives approached him, he boldly declared that there was nothing that they could do to him "BECAUSE" he had diplomatic immunity. He only answers to his country's government even though he was in America.
Well, from there the Holy Spirit referred me to 2 Corinthians 5:20(which is always my ending scripture in my posts) which states, "So we are Christ’s ambassadors, God making His appeal as it were through us. We [as Christ’s personal representatives] beg you for His sake to lay hold of the divine favor [now offered you] and be reconciled to God."(AMP Version)
Now hear the definition of an ambassador:
"A diplomatic official of the highest rank, sent by one sovereign or state to another as its resident representative (ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, an authorized messenger or representative."
Holy Spirit gave me this revelation that we are here in the earth representing the Kingdom of God. Our citizenship is not of this world any longer. Once we received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we renounced this world and took up residency in God's Kingdom. Now, like diplomats/ambassadors living in another country, we too are exempted from the boundaries of this world and what it has to offer. We only answer to God the Father through Jesus which means whatever God's Word tells us that we are inherited and have rights to, it is so. We as children of God are covered by the Blood of Jesus and have rights and entitlements to things that people who have not chosen to serve God are not entitled.
Then to give me a bible reference, Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Before they left, God sent many plagues on the Egyptians, their land and animals that could not and did not affect God's people. Same land they dwelt in but God's people were protected from all the curses sent on Egypt. God always shields his people in the earth and wards off curses.
If you do not believe that you have diplomatic immunity as God's ambassador given to you by God our Creator, then you will live and experience the same things that non-Christians experience. You will not look any different than the world. And that's why the world doesn't want to listen to Christians talk to them about Jesus, because many Christians are worried and anxious about the same things that they are worried about. If you can not give them hope and they cannot see the evidence in your life of what God has done for you, why would they even want to switch sides?
Back to the vision and revelation...The Israelites were instructed to put the lambs blood over their door posts and stay inside so that they would be protected. We should always cover ourselves with the Blood of Jesus and stay within God's Will (His Word is his will), and keep his word first place in our lives.
We represent the Highest Kingdom that ever existed and that will ever exist. We have power, authority and dominion in Jesus Name and the right to use it daily. We use the power within to draw and reconcile the world to God through Jesus. We should have the best because God is the best and supplies us with his best. We should look and act differently from the world so that we can magnify Jesus.
We are the salt of the earth, the light on a hill. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR SALTINESS? HAS YOUR LIGHT GONE DIM?
Will you tap into the Power Within you today?
2 Corinthian 5:20
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The Power Within
Christians are the most powerful beings that exist and certainly the only kind in existence.
How can I make such claims? My authority comes from God's Word.
Revelation 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Also, 1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;).
what does that say to you? To me it says that we a the people of God are special!
I do not know anywhere else, or in any other books written about the people groups of this planet described as Christians are in the scriptures. Do you?
The thing is, we have to believe that we are who God says we are and walk in it daily to show God's presence in the earth. Christians try too hard to look like, act like and be like everyone else to fit in, when that's not why Jesus came to make us fit in. He told us that they hated him and the world will hate us also. We are to stand out or how can people see the difference in us.
Well, maybe we just decided to overlook the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ because "we know what's best." We decided that "since Jesus didn't live in this day and age, what he said is really not relevant to us, times have changed".
Truly times have changed and that's why we need to cling even more closer to Jesus' words.
If God decided to send Jesus to us in 2013 (instead of when he did) and he grew up in our society, he would still be the same, act the same, condemn the same, heal the same, bless the same, pay tribute the same, speak God's Word the same and die for us so that we could be free to do the same as he did and even greater that he did. (John 14:12)
The power within Christians is a sustaining power to help us live through the changes in society without changing us. We have to be single minded. We cannot allow the world's philosophy enter into our thinking, decision making, and actions. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.
I can imagine how the Father see's us. Jesus walking and leading us, but no one is following him. It's like children playing follow the leader, and the leader looks back and the ones who are supposed to be following have turned and gone in other directions. Not a great picture of what God intended.
Jesus is not a bad leader...we are bad followers if we are being conformed to this world! Romans 12:1-2 Get behind our leader and do as he does. Jesus did what the Father told him to do, and said what the Father told him to say. Jesus left us a great legacy to walk in for our lives. Let's turn it all around and follow our Leader daily.
When we begin following Jesus and doing as he did, then we will see a change in our society for the better.
2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. Then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
The Enforcers
God gave us His Son, His Spirit, His Word, His Ministers, His Angels and Himself as helps for us to succeed.
He also gave us, Power, Riches, Wisdom, Strength, Honor, Glory and Blessing (Revelation 5:12) Jesus received all this for us to use in our lives daily. Do you really think that this was for Jesus when he was at the right hand of the Father already ruling and reigning?
WOW, how could we ever fail? I'll tell you how. When we do not read, study and meditate his word daily. That's the how, when and why we fail at tasks in our lives by not finding out what the Will of the Lord is for us. God's word IS his will.
In addition he has given us His love, favor(grace), authority, direction and purpose to carry out his good pleasure. His purpose for sending Jesus to be crucified was to take back from the Satan what he got from Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve had it "made in the shade" as it were. God had provided everything they needed. That's where we are suppose to get back to here on earth by ENFORCING God's Will. Nothing lacking and nothing wanting in our lives. How many Christian can attest that they live with all their needs met?
Now, I know when I use he word ENFORCE, that may not sit well with most people because we don't want to be accused of overpowering others with what we believe. Well we should! We have the truth, the light, and the hope for the world.
First of all everything belongs to God because he is The Creator and Source of all that is good. Second, the world doesn't even know what's best for them because Satan has blinded everyone's eye's from knowing he truth. Once you have come into the Kingdom of God, your eye's are opened to life and that's what we should be enforcing. The God kind of life.
Let explain my meaning behind the word :ENFORCE.”
Praying for all people, nations, tribes and tongues.
Finding a way to share the gospel, (good news) of Jesus Christ
Give financially and physically into ministries who are going around the world preaching the gospel.
Doing your part in living a holy life in your home and outside your home, so that the people who are in darkness can see God's goodness in your life and ask how they can have the same thing.
Enforcing good everywhere and at all times! The Enforcers of all that is good!
What went wrong? What happened?
How come we don't demonstrate being overcomes?
Who tricked us into believing that it's useless to try?
When will we triumph like the word says we should?
Why are there so few victories in the average Christian's life?
Why do we settle for less than what God gave us?
Christians are the most powerful, resourceful and successful beings that have ever been created. I am totally convinced of this fact. How can I say that with such conviction?
Again, look at the list above of everything God has given us through Jesus and then tell me who can stand against us successfully?
Is it because we cannot "SEE" God and all of these resources? All we can really see are the ministers in our churches and then they are human and may let us down. But, if we really believed what God said, there would be nothing impossible to us. Mark 10:27 & Luke 1:37
Did you become a Christian simply to miss hell? Trust me, that is a great reason, but not the only reason.
God wants us to represent him in the earth. To take it over from the works of the enemy. To be "ENFORCERS OF THE WORKS JESUS DID AND GREATER WORKS. John 14:12
God uses people to do his bidding in the earth. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. The world and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1
We are heirs of God, joint heirs of Jesus Christ. So...the earth is our inheritance. We have the right to take it over and make it a place pleasing to God our Creator don't you think?
Do we think that we are just to float around until it's heaven time?
Christians are acting lazy, ungrateful, unthankful and unmotivated. To caught up in technology and entertainment, and what's the latest celebrity gossip.
The early church wouldn't go out into all the world either and just gathered in their little groups(churches), and then once persecution came, that's when they were scattered abroad and began doing the works of Jesus.
Will it take persecution for us also before we stand up and work the works of Jesus? Can you even say that if persecution did hit the church world, that you would even know what to do?
..."for unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much is required...Luke 12:28
What answer will you give to Jesus when he asks, "What did you do with everything I did for you and gave to you to carry out my works on the earth? Hummmmm!
2 Corinthians 5:20 "We are ambassadors for Christ"
Friday, July 19, 2013
How Great Is Our God
...Not a question, that title is a statement of truth!
I am sitting listening to that very song as I blog this evening, and all I can think of is how true those words are in that song.
Driving to work, I have the opportunity to meditate on God's goodness, his word and to get insight from Holy Spirit.
Here are some things that may cause you to think about your life in Christ Jesus:
If you are reading this blog and you have never asked Jesus to come live in you as Lord & Saviour, please do it now. Do not put it off any longer.
Jesus, I am asking you to come in my life. I believe that YOU, the Son of God was sent to earth to take away my sin. Jesus, come into my heart, forgive me of my sin, cleanse me with your Blood. I accept you and your plan for my life. Thank you Jesus or saving me and giving me eternal life with you and God. I accept you now as my Lord and Saviour because the bible says in Romans 10:13 that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.
Thank you Lord Jesus, I am yours Father. You purchased my life with the Blood of Jesus, Amen
Welcome to the Kingdom of God brother or sister. Yes, it is that simple. And now you can enjoy the privileges of being an heir of God.
Start reading the bible online if you do not own one. ( Read the books of John, Romans, Ephesians in the new testament. Read the books of Genesis, Psalms and Proverbs in the old testament. Find out what God's original plan was for his creation of mankind.
Go back and read my blogs to help you get a jump start on your new path with Jesus.
You are now an ambassador of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20
I am sitting listening to that very song as I blog this evening, and all I can think of is how true those words are in that song.
Driving to work, I have the opportunity to meditate on God's goodness, his word and to get insight from Holy Spirit.
Here are some things that may cause you to think about your life in Christ Jesus:
- God has calculated everything in our lives. He has seen the end of the movie and it might look bad, but just remember..........WE WIN IN CHRIST JESUS!
- We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus. Once we understand that God is for us, we will have no more worries. So cast, roll over, toss, chuck, sling and release all your cares on the Lord.
- We are righteous. Not on our own, God forbid. But we are righteous because Jesus is righteous and he lives in all who have accepted him as Lord and Savior.
- Now since we are righteous, and our sins forgiven, let's walk as Jesus did. We do not have to sin. You can live free from the bondage of the curse of sin & death. That's why Jesus died for us. Now if you sin, don't wallow in it, ask for forgiveness and ask for help from God. (1 John 1:9)
- We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 1) Would God seat us in heaven with Jesus if we were sinful dirty people? NO! We are cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and we have to start accepting that fact. Jesus wants to return to a church full of faith, not full of sin consciousness.
- God is a good God. Merciful, long suffering, and loving!
If you are reading this blog and you have never asked Jesus to come live in you as Lord & Saviour, please do it now. Do not put it off any longer.
Jesus, I am asking you to come in my life. I believe that YOU, the Son of God was sent to earth to take away my sin. Jesus, come into my heart, forgive me of my sin, cleanse me with your Blood. I accept you and your plan for my life. Thank you Jesus or saving me and giving me eternal life with you and God. I accept you now as my Lord and Saviour because the bible says in Romans 10:13 that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.
Thank you Lord Jesus, I am yours Father. You purchased my life with the Blood of Jesus, Amen
Welcome to the Kingdom of God brother or sister. Yes, it is that simple. And now you can enjoy the privileges of being an heir of God.
Start reading the bible online if you do not own one. ( Read the books of John, Romans, Ephesians in the new testament. Read the books of Genesis, Psalms and Proverbs in the old testament. Find out what God's original plan was for his creation of mankind.
Go back and read my blogs to help you get a jump start on your new path with Jesus.
You are now an ambassador of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20
Friday, June 14, 2013
Don't Take A Vacation!
Summer is upon us and many Christians take vacations from God when they take their family or personal vacations.
This is a warning alert to everyone this summer. Be determined to keep your appointments with the Father and Jesus wherever you travel, or even if you decide to stay home, God still wants to hear from us.
Aren't you thankful that God never takes a vacation and leaves us? And, Jesus never tells Holy Spirit that he doesn't want him to lead and direct us when we take a vacation from him?
Earlier in life, I couldn't afford vacations, but when there was money enough, I remember years ago when I went on vacation that I was so excited to get away from life, that I would forget God. Not sinning, or getting involved is some sin, but simply leaving my bible at home. Basically, planning everything else for my vacation except time for God.
You know what I mean, haven't you done that before? Oh, then the Lord reminded me that there is that Gideon Bible in the hotel side table drawer. Do you think I took that bible out to read it? Or, then there were those times that I said, "I won't pack my bible, I'll just read the hotel bible once I get to their." Do you think other things came in to distract me? YES!
"Praise Be To God" that he never left me, and he always blessed my travels and my vacation. God, you are so awesome and loving, forgiving and patient! Thank you Lord.
So, in closing please do not leave God out of your summer. Everywhere we go, "We are Ambassadors for Christ!"
2 Corinthians 5:20
This is a warning alert to everyone this summer. Be determined to keep your appointments with the Father and Jesus wherever you travel, or even if you decide to stay home, God still wants to hear from us.
Aren't you thankful that God never takes a vacation and leaves us? And, Jesus never tells Holy Spirit that he doesn't want him to lead and direct us when we take a vacation from him?
Earlier in life, I couldn't afford vacations, but when there was money enough, I remember years ago when I went on vacation that I was so excited to get away from life, that I would forget God. Not sinning, or getting involved is some sin, but simply leaving my bible at home. Basically, planning everything else for my vacation except time for God.
You know what I mean, haven't you done that before? Oh, then the Lord reminded me that there is that Gideon Bible in the hotel side table drawer. Do you think I took that bible out to read it? Or, then there were those times that I said, "I won't pack my bible, I'll just read the hotel bible once I get to their." Do you think other things came in to distract me? YES!
"Praise Be To God" that he never left me, and he always blessed my travels and my vacation. God, you are so awesome and loving, forgiving and patient! Thank you Lord.
So, in closing please do not leave God out of your summer. Everywhere we go, "We are Ambassadors for Christ!"
2 Corinthians 5:20
Monday, May 27, 2013
There is Power In The Blood
Some may have grown up singing that song in your church services during Communion service. I did, but I never knew how true that song was as we sang it while the ushers where passing out the crackers and juice!
I always thought that we were singing it to give the ushers time to pass everything around to the members filling in the dead space until it was time for our Pastor to pray over it and direct us to partake of the Lord's Body and Blood.
Little did I know that the lyrics to that song was telling us about the power we possessed through Jesus. Here, let's review the lyrics of the chorus:
There is Power, Power, Wonder working Power
In the Blood, of the Lamb
There is Power, Power, Wonder working Power
In the Precious Blood of the Lamb
God intended for Jesus' Blood to have many applications. The basic application that many of us know about is to save us from eternal damnation by receiving Jesus Christ as our Saviour and accepting God's plan of salvation for our eternity through his death burial and resurrection. That is the most important application of Jesus' Blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.
After salvation, Christians seem to have left the Blood of Jesus except on the 1st Sunday of each month(or which ever Sunday your fellowship practices remembering communion), and then tucks it away until the following month.
What I find in the scriptures is that we are to also approach the Throne room of God through the Blood of Jesus. Hebrews 10:19 (also read verses 1-23)
We need to remember that in the old testament the priests were required to present the the blood of animals for the sins of God's people. Before the priests themselves approached God, they had to apply blood to themselves. If they approached God without the blood of animals, they died. Why? Again, God requires blood to commune with mankind after Adam and Eve sinned. He can not have any dealings with sin...God is Holy!
Once Jesus shed his blood, died and rose from the dead, he presented his blood to the Father as the final sacrifice of blood that would ever be needed for the sins of the world.
God cannot look upon sin, but he made a way for us to fellowship with him and that is and has always been through blood. Even though we do not need to sacrifice animals now to present blood before we can come into his presence, we still need blood. That Blood we need now to approach him is Jesus' Blood.
God has not changed in other words. When God looks upon us, he still has to see blood, so we approach him declaring that we are cleansed by the Blood of Jesus according to his plan of salvation! Now, we can come boldly before his throne of grace. Hebrews 4:16 (also read verses 1-15)
Hebrews 13:12, Hebrews 13:20, 1 John 5:6 and Revelation 1:5 are just a few scriptures about the Blood of Jesus. If the Blood of Jesus was just for our initial salvation and to honor during communion, why are there so many references to its' application in scriptures. I encourage you to do a study of the Blood of Jesus.
There is power in the Blood of Jesus. Power against the devil, sickness, lack, and all weapons of the enemy. If Satan knew what God's plan was in sending Jesus, he would have not influenced the people to crucify Jesus. 1 Corinthians 2:8 (read the entire chapter).
When Satan entered the garden of Eden and gained access to what God gave to Adam and Eve, he thought he had finally exalted his throne above the Throne God by getting mankind to worship him through sin. Isaiah 14: 13 (also read verses 12-16).
So, the next time you participate in your fellowships' communion service, remember what Jesus did for us through his body and blood. There is power in the blood accessible to us.
We are Ambassadors of Christ 2 Corinthians 5:20
I always thought that we were singing it to give the ushers time to pass everything around to the members filling in the dead space until it was time for our Pastor to pray over it and direct us to partake of the Lord's Body and Blood.
Little did I know that the lyrics to that song was telling us about the power we possessed through Jesus. Here, let's review the lyrics of the chorus:
There is Power, Power, Wonder working Power
In the Blood, of the Lamb
There is Power, Power, Wonder working Power
In the Precious Blood of the Lamb
God intended for Jesus' Blood to have many applications. The basic application that many of us know about is to save us from eternal damnation by receiving Jesus Christ as our Saviour and accepting God's plan of salvation for our eternity through his death burial and resurrection. That is the most important application of Jesus' Blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.
After salvation, Christians seem to have left the Blood of Jesus except on the 1st Sunday of each month(or which ever Sunday your fellowship practices remembering communion), and then tucks it away until the following month.
What I find in the scriptures is that we are to also approach the Throne room of God through the Blood of Jesus. Hebrews 10:19 (also read verses 1-23)
We need to remember that in the old testament the priests were required to present the the blood of animals for the sins of God's people. Before the priests themselves approached God, they had to apply blood to themselves. If they approached God without the blood of animals, they died. Why? Again, God requires blood to commune with mankind after Adam and Eve sinned. He can not have any dealings with sin...God is Holy!
Once Jesus shed his blood, died and rose from the dead, he presented his blood to the Father as the final sacrifice of blood that would ever be needed for the sins of the world.
God cannot look upon sin, but he made a way for us to fellowship with him and that is and has always been through blood. Even though we do not need to sacrifice animals now to present blood before we can come into his presence, we still need blood. That Blood we need now to approach him is Jesus' Blood.
God has not changed in other words. When God looks upon us, he still has to see blood, so we approach him declaring that we are cleansed by the Blood of Jesus according to his plan of salvation! Now, we can come boldly before his throne of grace. Hebrews 4:16 (also read verses 1-15)
Hebrews 13:12, Hebrews 13:20, 1 John 5:6 and Revelation 1:5 are just a few scriptures about the Blood of Jesus. If the Blood of Jesus was just for our initial salvation and to honor during communion, why are there so many references to its' application in scriptures. I encourage you to do a study of the Blood of Jesus.
There is power in the Blood of Jesus. Power against the devil, sickness, lack, and all weapons of the enemy. If Satan knew what God's plan was in sending Jesus, he would have not influenced the people to crucify Jesus. 1 Corinthians 2:8 (read the entire chapter).
When Satan entered the garden of Eden and gained access to what God gave to Adam and Eve, he thought he had finally exalted his throne above the Throne God by getting mankind to worship him through sin. Isaiah 14: 13 (also read verses 12-16).
So, the next time you participate in your fellowships' communion service, remember what Jesus did for us through his body and blood. There is power in the blood accessible to us.
We are Ambassadors of Christ 2 Corinthians 5:20
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Power Within Us!
Do you know how powerful you are in Christ Jesus? Do you realize that Father God gave us this power to execute his justice and righteousness in the earth?
Have you ever asked or thought, "Why am I here or What is life all about?"
God created earth for mankind, for us to bring his will here, that is the answer to those questions. We are citizens of heaven journeying and living here on earth. God's intent is so clear from Genesis to Revelation that his plan was for us to dominate and invite him in our lives here on earth.
Is there other life somewhere else? Yes, in heavens and we have access to heaven and earth in the spirit. Remember that God made us in his image and after his likeness. God is Spirit and so are we. God is creator and so are we. And if God wants us to know about life elsewhere he will tell us. Isn't it enough on our plate to handle life here and not be so concerned about other life elsewhere? (well that's a conversation for another time)
God duplicated his creative power in us, by his Spirit. He sealed it in us through Jesus Christ and him crucified, resurrected, ascended, glorified and seated at the right hand of God. We are the Body of Christ. Jesus is the head of the church. The "Head" and the "Body" are joined together. We are never to be separated from our head, Jesus.
So, since Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, then so are we seated. God gave Jesus all power in heaven and in earth. All things are under his feet. Can you see the picture that God has given us? Our head is not separated from our body. Whatever is under our feet is under our entire body and head.
Well, what is the difference in the spirit realm? We possess power to overcome anything and all things that will ever try to come against us. God's word states, "No weapon formed against shall prosper..." We have to understand spiritual things since we are spirit. God spoke and it was, and so it is with us. We speak and it is...(even if you speak negative things), they eventually come to pass. Why? Because of the creative power God gave us in the spoken word. Satan knows about words and he tries to get us to speak death filled words. Begin to pay attention to the words you speak and determine if you are choosing life filled words or death filled words. Choose life!
Doesn't it stand to reason that if God spoke, "Let there be" and it was, that since he made us in his image and after his likeness that when we speak, it is? Why is this such a difficult concept to understand? God made things so easy, but we have come in with our own interpretation of what it means when God said, "Let us make man in our image and after our likeness. Let them have dominion..." Genesis 1
How awesome would it be if every Christian understood the power we possess and would use it to bring God's will here on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus taught us that this is the prayer and the goal. Heaven here on earth.
Many Christians are wanting Jesus to come back and take us out of here to heaven, and have totally forgotten that God made us for earth and earth for us. Have you read the end of the bible? We are coming back to earth to reign with Jesus. Get practice now, reign in your life. Use the power of God within you to bring "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Study what God said, study what Jesus said, and not what people have said about what they said. Yes, God gave us Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers for our perfection, and along with these gifts to the body of Christ, he gave us the right to come before his throne to help to understand.
Side Note:
As you read these posts you will see from time to time that I do not include scripture references. There is a reason. My purpose is for the reader to get hungry enough to search the bible for themselves and find where I am getting this information. You will need to search various versions of the bible from time to time, but the point is, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."
I want you to eat spiritually for a lifetime and meditate God's word. Find out where these scriptures are for yourself and you won't forget where they are and what they say. There are bible websites where you can go search various translations of the bible. My preference is the King James Version, the New King James Version, and the New Living Translation of the bible.
I encourage you to tap into Jesus Christ, him crucified, risen and seated at the right hand of the Father. It is our power and the basis of our new life. The blood shed for you and I has importance. We now live in that same resurrection power that Jesus lives in, if you have given your life to Jesus and received him as the only way to the Father.
There are so many benefits in being an heir of God and joint-heir of Jesus. God desires us to have his best so get to know Father God, not just for things, but to know him and the "things" will come as you have fellowship with him.
God came down to fellowship with Adam. He came down and called, "Adam, where are you?" When God calls to you for fellowship, don't be found in sin and hiding from him. Let God here your voice, "Here I am, I have been waiting for your visit today Father!"
Have you ever asked or thought, "Why am I here or What is life all about?"
God created earth for mankind, for us to bring his will here, that is the answer to those questions. We are citizens of heaven journeying and living here on earth. God's intent is so clear from Genesis to Revelation that his plan was for us to dominate and invite him in our lives here on earth.
Is there other life somewhere else? Yes, in heavens and we have access to heaven and earth in the spirit. Remember that God made us in his image and after his likeness. God is Spirit and so are we. God is creator and so are we. And if God wants us to know about life elsewhere he will tell us. Isn't it enough on our plate to handle life here and not be so concerned about other life elsewhere? (well that's a conversation for another time)
God duplicated his creative power in us, by his Spirit. He sealed it in us through Jesus Christ and him crucified, resurrected, ascended, glorified and seated at the right hand of God. We are the Body of Christ. Jesus is the head of the church. The "Head" and the "Body" are joined together. We are never to be separated from our head, Jesus.
So, since Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, then so are we seated. God gave Jesus all power in heaven and in earth. All things are under his feet. Can you see the picture that God has given us? Our head is not separated from our body. Whatever is under our feet is under our entire body and head.
Well, what is the difference in the spirit realm? We possess power to overcome anything and all things that will ever try to come against us. God's word states, "No weapon formed against shall prosper..." We have to understand spiritual things since we are spirit. God spoke and it was, and so it is with us. We speak and it is...(even if you speak negative things), they eventually come to pass. Why? Because of the creative power God gave us in the spoken word. Satan knows about words and he tries to get us to speak death filled words. Begin to pay attention to the words you speak and determine if you are choosing life filled words or death filled words. Choose life!
Doesn't it stand to reason that if God spoke, "Let there be" and it was, that since he made us in his image and after his likeness that when we speak, it is? Why is this such a difficult concept to understand? God made things so easy, but we have come in with our own interpretation of what it means when God said, "Let us make man in our image and after our likeness. Let them have dominion..." Genesis 1
How awesome would it be if every Christian understood the power we possess and would use it to bring God's will here on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus taught us that this is the prayer and the goal. Heaven here on earth.
Many Christians are wanting Jesus to come back and take us out of here to heaven, and have totally forgotten that God made us for earth and earth for us. Have you read the end of the bible? We are coming back to earth to reign with Jesus. Get practice now, reign in your life. Use the power of God within you to bring "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Study what God said, study what Jesus said, and not what people have said about what they said. Yes, God gave us Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers for our perfection, and along with these gifts to the body of Christ, he gave us the right to come before his throne to help to understand.
Side Note:
As you read these posts you will see from time to time that I do not include scripture references. There is a reason. My purpose is for the reader to get hungry enough to search the bible for themselves and find where I am getting this information. You will need to search various versions of the bible from time to time, but the point is, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."
I want you to eat spiritually for a lifetime and meditate God's word. Find out where these scriptures are for yourself and you won't forget where they are and what they say. There are bible websites where you can go search various translations of the bible. My preference is the King James Version, the New King James Version, and the New Living Translation of the bible.
I encourage you to tap into Jesus Christ, him crucified, risen and seated at the right hand of the Father. It is our power and the basis of our new life. The blood shed for you and I has importance. We now live in that same resurrection power that Jesus lives in, if you have given your life to Jesus and received him as the only way to the Father.
There are so many benefits in being an heir of God and joint-heir of Jesus. God desires us to have his best so get to know Father God, not just for things, but to know him and the "things" will come as you have fellowship with him.
God came down to fellowship with Adam. He came down and called, "Adam, where are you?" When God calls to you for fellowship, don't be found in sin and hiding from him. Let God here your voice, "Here I am, I have been waiting for your visit today Father!"
Friday, March 22, 2013
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified!
Here we are at my favorite time, Resurrection Day! After all, that has been the story in this blog if you have been keeping up with my posts.
I refrain from calling it Easter. Everyone can make their own choice of course.
Reason: Any time power if taken away from what God did through his Son Jesus, I discard it as fast as I can. Without being boring, Easter is a pagan (non-christian) celebration. Do your research on it and then make your own decision, Resurrection Day or Easter. And by the way, bunnies do not lay eggs...just saying!
Now, getting to our Guest of Honor, JESUS. God gave us His absolute best when he gave us Jesus. (John 3:16). He loves us so much that he did want to spend eternity without us, so made a plan to rescue us so that we can be with Him for eternity. For that I am grateful.
The power that we experience through Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is under used in my opinion in the Body of Christ. In the church that I attended as a child and as an adult, the focus on getting saved from hell was the only reason to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Although that is the very best reason to accept God's redemption, there is so much more that we inherited once that decision was made to surrender our life to God through Jesus.
Spending eternity with a loving God...awesome! If we read our scriptures about who we are in Christ Jesus, we can see that God lavished us with all good things. Think about it, we belong to The Creator of the heavens and earth. Psalm 24:1 tells us who God is and what he owns. Do you think God redeemed us from hell to keep us in hell on earth until we die, and then we get the good life in heaven? Of course the answer is NO!
But what do we see in the body of Christ? Lack of power over our lives, sickness and disease, poverty, sinful living, faithlessness, and more. We have to come up higher and live that abundant life Jesus talked about in John 10:10. This verse tells us exactly who is the thief and who is the giver of life.
Sometimes we read these scriptures and look past what God is trying to communicate to us. What does abundant life mean? Is this after we get to heaven? No, the abundant life Jesus is talking about is for the here and now. There is already abundant life in heaven don't you think? Or do we think heaven has sickness, poverty and all the lack we see here on earth, so Jesus came to get heaven cleaned up?
That just sounds crazy doesn't it?
We have access to abundant life here on earth through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection from the dead. We have the power to experience God's best.
On Resurrection Sunday and everyday, just ask Holy Spirit to show you how to live the abundant life that Jesus said he came to give. It belongs to all of us in the here and now who have called upon the name of the Lord Jesus.
If you have not asked Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, or if you need to re-dedicate your life to God, do it now:
Lord Jesus, I need you and your saving power in my life. I believe that you are the way, the truth and the life and that you are the only way to Father God. I believe that you are the Son of God and that you gave your life for me to save me of my sin. Come into my life Lord Jesus, I receive you now. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Now you are in god's care and his child. There is rejoicing in heaven when one comes into the family of God, so you rejoice too! I praise God that you made that decision, and welcome to our family,
Enjoy Resurrection Sunday, and we will talk again soon.
2 Corinthians 5:20
I refrain from calling it Easter. Everyone can make their own choice of course.
Reason: Any time power if taken away from what God did through his Son Jesus, I discard it as fast as I can. Without being boring, Easter is a pagan (non-christian) celebration. Do your research on it and then make your own decision, Resurrection Day or Easter. And by the way, bunnies do not lay eggs...just saying!
Now, getting to our Guest of Honor, JESUS. God gave us His absolute best when he gave us Jesus. (John 3:16). He loves us so much that he did want to spend eternity without us, so made a plan to rescue us so that we can be with Him for eternity. For that I am grateful.
The power that we experience through Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is under used in my opinion in the Body of Christ. In the church that I attended as a child and as an adult, the focus on getting saved from hell was the only reason to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Although that is the very best reason to accept God's redemption, there is so much more that we inherited once that decision was made to surrender our life to God through Jesus.
Spending eternity with a loving God...awesome! If we read our scriptures about who we are in Christ Jesus, we can see that God lavished us with all good things. Think about it, we belong to The Creator of the heavens and earth. Psalm 24:1 tells us who God is and what he owns. Do you think God redeemed us from hell to keep us in hell on earth until we die, and then we get the good life in heaven? Of course the answer is NO!
But what do we see in the body of Christ? Lack of power over our lives, sickness and disease, poverty, sinful living, faithlessness, and more. We have to come up higher and live that abundant life Jesus talked about in John 10:10. This verse tells us exactly who is the thief and who is the giver of life.
Sometimes we read these scriptures and look past what God is trying to communicate to us. What does abundant life mean? Is this after we get to heaven? No, the abundant life Jesus is talking about is for the here and now. There is already abundant life in heaven don't you think? Or do we think heaven has sickness, poverty and all the lack we see here on earth, so Jesus came to get heaven cleaned up?
That just sounds crazy doesn't it?
We have access to abundant life here on earth through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection from the dead. We have the power to experience God's best.
On Resurrection Sunday and everyday, just ask Holy Spirit to show you how to live the abundant life that Jesus said he came to give. It belongs to all of us in the here and now who have called upon the name of the Lord Jesus.
If you have not asked Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, or if you need to re-dedicate your life to God, do it now:
Lord Jesus, I need you and your saving power in my life. I believe that you are the way, the truth and the life and that you are the only way to Father God. I believe that you are the Son of God and that you gave your life for me to save me of my sin. Come into my life Lord Jesus, I receive you now. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Now you are in god's care and his child. There is rejoicing in heaven when one comes into the family of God, so you rejoice too! I praise God that you made that decision, and welcome to our family,
Enjoy Resurrection Sunday, and we will talk again soon.
2 Corinthians 5:20
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Happy New Year!
No. . .I didn't forget to post in January!
Every January of every year, most people make plans and/or goals. It doesn't matter if it's verbal, written or just inwardly, many plans are made for the new year.
Well, I am over it, so I begin my new year in February. Why you ask?
Well, by the time February rolls in, much of what was planned, comes into focus and reality as to what it is that you really want as a goal is more clear. So now that February is here, let's get to the real goal. The one that is most needed and is mandatory at this point in the year.
As we begin to focus, let's start our new year with finding out what God wants from us this year. Yes, God does think about us and has plans for us. Remember Jeremiah 29:11?
We can all agree that people are most important to God and mankind is foremost on his mind. That was the purpose of him sending Jesus to earth to accomplish his final and most wonderful act of love for all mankind. God's goal was for redemption to all who will call upon the name of his Son Jesus.
So, as Christians, people of God shouldn't our goal be to please the Father who gave everything to us? What do you think God would want as a goal for us this year?
Well, I am sure the list we all could come up with would be never ending because we all have a picture of what we believe God wants from us; but most times we are so far from what he truly wants from our lives, that we never give him his satisfaction.
We are God's eye's of compassion, arms of love & strength, hands of healing, words of truth, and feet to carry the gospel of peace to a dying world. God wants people to turn to Jesus, and he uses us to accomplish his hearts desire.
So, as we are regrouping our new year's goals, please be sure to include God at the top of our list...he sure put us at the top of his list when he set his goal to redeem us through JESUS!
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified! Ask God to help you this year to please him by sharing his Son Jesus with those around you. Yes, it's a little unsettling when you think about sharing bible verses that you yourself are not sure of. And what if I don't say everything right? What if they are rude to me? What if they embarrass me?
John 3:16 tells it all, so go for it this year. If you share the gospel, or offer to share Jesus and you are rejected, remember they are not rejecting you, but they are rejecting God's free gift.
Spend some time in prayer for yourself and for the people who God sends to you. It may be one soul in 2013 who receives Jesus, but that is one less soul bound for hell. God's love is awesome, so share it!
We are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20
Every January of every year, most people make plans and/or goals. It doesn't matter if it's verbal, written or just inwardly, many plans are made for the new year.
Well, I am over it, so I begin my new year in February. Why you ask?
Well, by the time February rolls in, much of what was planned, comes into focus and reality as to what it is that you really want as a goal is more clear. So now that February is here, let's get to the real goal. The one that is most needed and is mandatory at this point in the year.
As we begin to focus, let's start our new year with finding out what God wants from us this year. Yes, God does think about us and has plans for us. Remember Jeremiah 29:11?
We can all agree that people are most important to God and mankind is foremost on his mind. That was the purpose of him sending Jesus to earth to accomplish his final and most wonderful act of love for all mankind. God's goal was for redemption to all who will call upon the name of his Son Jesus.
So, as Christians, people of God shouldn't our goal be to please the Father who gave everything to us? What do you think God would want as a goal for us this year?
Well, I am sure the list we all could come up with would be never ending because we all have a picture of what we believe God wants from us; but most times we are so far from what he truly wants from our lives, that we never give him his satisfaction.
We are God's eye's of compassion, arms of love & strength, hands of healing, words of truth, and feet to carry the gospel of peace to a dying world. God wants people to turn to Jesus, and he uses us to accomplish his hearts desire.
So, as we are regrouping our new year's goals, please be sure to include God at the top of our list...he sure put us at the top of his list when he set his goal to redeem us through JESUS!
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified! Ask God to help you this year to please him by sharing his Son Jesus with those around you. Yes, it's a little unsettling when you think about sharing bible verses that you yourself are not sure of. And what if I don't say everything right? What if they are rude to me? What if they embarrass me?
John 3:16 tells it all, so go for it this year. If you share the gospel, or offer to share Jesus and you are rejected, remember they are not rejecting you, but they are rejecting God's free gift.
Spend some time in prayer for yourself and for the people who God sends to you. It may be one soul in 2013 who receives Jesus, but that is one less soul bound for hell. God's love is awesome, so share it!
We are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20
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