Saturday, December 29, 2012


2012 has been a wonderful year to those Christians who realized who they are in Jesus!  Even the times when things seemed bad, when we look back we can see that God was with us.

Not saying that everything went as planned (not our plan any how), but if you ask God for his wisdom in it all, there was a plan that may not come into play until next year or even after.

Abraham, did not see the promise of God fulfilled in his lifetime, but we are the result of his faithfulness.  We are the seed of Abraham and God's blessing is on us because of Abraham.  God's promises are sure!

So, when you can't see the end of things, what the purpose of things that happen are, just stay in faith and know that God's thoughts are towards you.  (Read Jeremiah 29:11)

Our job is to to love the Lord, have no other God before Him, walk in righteousness and give him the praise!

We have to keep our heart pure towards God and in all we do.  Be excited as we enter into 2013.  Ask God for his wisdom as we enter the New Year!

If  you have not yet read all the posts on this blog, take time and do so, I know God will reveal some things to you.  He truly have given me tremendous help in this life in Christ Jesus.

The power in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is amazing once studied and understood the way GOD intended instead of how it has been presented through the years.  Jesus completed his assignment, when He said, "It is finished"!  Those words were the beginning for us and the most beautiful words I have ever heard!

Are you an ambassador for Christ?   2 Corinthian 5:20