Saturday, December 29, 2012


2012 has been a wonderful year to those Christians who realized who they are in Jesus!  Even the times when things seemed bad, when we look back we can see that God was with us.

Not saying that everything went as planned (not our plan any how), but if you ask God for his wisdom in it all, there was a plan that may not come into play until next year or even after.

Abraham, did not see the promise of God fulfilled in his lifetime, but we are the result of his faithfulness.  We are the seed of Abraham and God's blessing is on us because of Abraham.  God's promises are sure!

So, when you can't see the end of things, what the purpose of things that happen are, just stay in faith and know that God's thoughts are towards you.  (Read Jeremiah 29:11)

Our job is to to love the Lord, have no other God before Him, walk in righteousness and give him the praise!

We have to keep our heart pure towards God and in all we do.  Be excited as we enter into 2013.  Ask God for his wisdom as we enter the New Year!

If  you have not yet read all the posts on this blog, take time and do so, I know God will reveal some things to you.  He truly have given me tremendous help in this life in Christ Jesus.

The power in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is amazing once studied and understood the way GOD intended instead of how it has been presented through the years.  Jesus completed his assignment, when He said, "It is finished"!  Those words were the beginning for us and the most beautiful words I have ever heard!

Are you an ambassador for Christ?   2 Corinthian 5:20

Thursday, November 29, 2012


As I was meditating on the last two blogs I wrote, Holy Spirit showed me that there are some that said while reading them, "son of God?, immunity?, what is this all about?"

There is that lie from Satan that has been floating through the Christian world and the world at large that "Jesus is not the only way to God, that is just too single minded to believe."  Another lie from Satan is "God loves you so much, you really do not need to always obey the bible, just ask God to forgive you."  Have you heard those lies?  If you have not heard these lies before, believe me I have heard them and Satan has lied to many Christians and caused them to miss out on that abundant life Jesus came to give us.

God does love us so much.  The proof of his love was in sending Jesus to redeem mankind from an eternity of damnation; (John 3:16)  and those lies stated above sounds to me like a different version of the lie he told Eve.  "You will not surely die if you eat from that tree..."( read Genesis 3rd chapter)

The lies that Satan tells people sometimes may include a part of a scripture or it may just sound good , so to a new Christian it can "sound" like the truth."  Remember the word tells us that Satan comes like an angel of light!  But in reality, whatever he says is a lie.  When you hear someone teaching God's word and conviction comes to your heart  (not condemnation) for you to make changes in your life, then you hear that other voice contradicting what God is talking to you about; you best believe that the second voice you heard is Satan trying to steal the truth from you, to kill your effectiveness in the Kingdom of God, and to destroy any hope of your maturing in your walk with the Lord if you reject God's correction.  (Read John 10:10)

Now to get to our choices!  In order to walk as sons of God, we have to absolutely be sold out to God's Will.  You think you are totally sold out to God?  Let's take this test.  Remember what I just told you above once you get convicted.  Listen for the voices that will oppose God's loving correction in this test.

This TEST is to see if we are sold out to God, and walking as sons of God: (please read the blog on "The sons of God")
  • Do you tithe?    Y  N
  • Do you sow/give offerings?    Y   N
  • Do you praise, worship & thank God the Father & Son daily?   Y   N
  • Do you pray/communicate daily with the Lord and listen for the Lord's instruction?   Y    N
  • Do you read God's word/bible daily?    Y   N
  • Do you attend a service where God's word is taught daily or each week?   Y   N
  • Do you ask God daily & perform what God wants you to do the bring him pleasure?   Y   N
  • Do you know your purpose for being? Y   N
  • Do you have your hands out and lifted up in surrender to God when you need something?   Y   N
  • Do you depend on God for everything?  Y   N
Conclusion:  If you answered "N" to any question, you are not living as a son of God.  Why?  Because we as people of God are to have no other god before him, we are to love God with all of our heart soul and might, God should be the complete center of our lives.  Again, please read my blog on "The sons of God" to help get a clear picture and understanding.  If you have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour you are most definitely a child of God, and you have an eternity with him. 

What I am urging you to see, is that God's desire is for us to move past being a child, and maturing to be his son manifested in this world to bring heaven down here to earth.  That was part of Jesus' prayer when he was teaching his disciples how to pray, "They kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth AS IT IS IN heaven."  Many Christians do not really believe everything Jesus said.  If Jesus is praying this prayer, then it is possible for heaven' will to come to earth.  Jesus does not lie!  So who is lying?  Satan, that's who!  He is telling us that, "There is no way God's will can be done here on earth, look at the condition of this world."

WHO'S REPORT WILL YOU BELIEVE?  I will believe the report of the LORD!

What does this really mean to us?  Do we believe that God's will can happen here on earth?  If you do not, it is because you have been listening and believing Satan's lies.

But we are not to look at things that we see, we walk by faith, not by sight and call things that be not as though they were, and then once we are walking by faith in God and his word, yes Jesus' prayer can become a reality here on earth.  Do you realize the power we have and if every Christian walked in obedience what this world could be?

Is Satan lying to you right now about what you have read so far?  If you have any opposition, it is your soul and flesh teaming up with Satan's lies to reject the truth.  Everything stated above is backed by scripture, God's word, not this bloggers' word.  Let's review: (Scriptures below are King James Version and are not a total sum of biblical references to the statements made in this blog.)

John 10:10 (Satan's roll)
Matthew 6:1-13 (Jesus on giving & how to pray)
John 8:44 ( Satan is a liar-don't believe him)
John 1:12 along with Romans 8:14 & 8:19 (character of the sons of God)
Hebrews 12:6-8 (receive the chastening of the Lord as sons)
Malachi 3:8-14 (tithes & offerings)
Revelation 4:11 (everything made for God's pleasure)


It is never my desire to lead anyone away from the Father, but to get you to run to him in repentance.  I am not debating God's way.  God can prove his own word.  Please let God's Word, and his Spirit speak to your heart. 

My plea to you is for you to read Romans the 8th chapter.  It is powerful once we open our eye's and to see the truth.  Focus especially on verses 1-19 talking about being children of God and sons of God.

Well until next time, remember that we are ambassadors for Christ.  2 Corinthians 5:20

Friday, November 23, 2012


Dear Reader,

In my quiet time with the Lord recently, Holy Spirit spoke these words to me, "You have Blood Bought Immunity."  As I was pondering the saying in my heart, he gave me examples of how in countries around the world, agents representing their government in another country enjoy something called "Diplomatic Immunity", and below is a definition:

Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity and a policy held between governments that ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws, although they can still be expelled.

Immediately, I got it!  As I was continuing in meditation of what was happening to me, Holy Spirit spoke again and said, "Your Blood Bought Immunity can never be revoked."

It was like a flood of peace came upon me, visions of all what Jesus did for us on the cross to afford us the privilege of representing the Kingdom of God here on earth in this world government and not being touched by Satan and his influences.  Yes, I mean we are not subject to the death and destruction Satan hands out to unsuspecting people around the world, "because it's just the way it is, it's life."   It' is not our life.  God did not send Jesus to die for our sins so that we can just fade in the background and blend in with the world.  We are the light, the salt!

Not only can our immunity never be taken from us, this world system (the kingdom of darkness) cannot expel us as in government diplomatic immunity.  In other words, once we realize who we are in Christ Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords we are untouchable through his shed Blood.  The laws of sin and death no longer have power over those of us who are blood bought.  Satan can not cover us up with darkness.

Now, you really have to stop and think about this seriously and the impact this has on your life.  You have to understand and believe the power we possess by the Blood of Jesus.  His blood wasn't just drops coming out of his body because of the beatings, whippings, piercing and all the other things which were done to his body.

No, this Blood was and is much more powerful that any other power that has ever been or ever will be throughout eternity!  Satan had nor does he have an answer to the Blood of Jesus.  Jesus made a show of Satan openly and took back the power he once had when Adam handed it over to him in the beginning.

Jesus totally defeated Satan and his kingdom so that now we no longer are subject to this world's ways.  We only walk in God's ways now, if you have asked Jesus into your heart and accepted God's plan of salvation.  Call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus if you have not already done so.  Repent, and truly become a new creature in Christ.

We have Blood Bought Immunity which can never be revoked.  We cannot be put out or expelled because the owner of this earth is God.  The earth is his and the fullness thereof...!  God has turned the earth over to us and given us the power and authority through Jesus to subdue it, replenish it and have dominion over everything the creeps upon the earth.

What creeps?  I am not talking about animals, bugs, birds and the such like.  I am talking about the spiritual ones who creep upon the earth.  The one who comes to steal, kill and destroy.  YES, we have power over Satan and all his helpers to subdue them.  WARNING!  You can be your own worst enemy and that is what Satan hopes.  Just like he deceived Eve, and got her and Adam into disobeying God, he will try to keep us in sin and rebellion against God.  If you find yourself in this state, repent, confess your sins and turn and begin to obey God's word right now!  (1 JOHN 1:9)  Satan cannot revoke your immunity, but you can step out from the covering of the  Blood of Jesus which will make you susceptible to the enemies fiery darts.

We begin every day on a level of victory and triumph!  We have already won and overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony that we are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.  If you are not experiencing victory is every area of your life, then you have to look at what you are doing and ask Holy Spirit to help you.  We have to take a hard look and be tough on ourselves to break free from sin.  We can no longer continue to be conformed to this world and it's ways.  Victory is ours.  Jesus came to give life and more abundantly.  Yes for eternity, and also for while we are occupying this earth.

I am getting happy all over again as I am writing.  You and I have BLOOD BOUGHT IMMUNITY, and that is awesome.  God wants us to know who we are in Christ, and what power we have as blood bought Kingdom of God citizens.  We are not of this world.  We are citizens of the Kingdom of God!

Remember, we are ambassadors for Christ.  2 Corinthians 5:20

The sons of God

Dear Friends,

I took some time off from blogging since July of this year because there have been some amazing things that God has been showing me, training me in, correcting me on and informing me of as of late.

I am so excited to share with you who truly are followers of Christ what Jehovah, the I AM that I AM has been sharing with my by his Spirit.

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is so much more deeper than I could ever imagine when I first learned of the power we have in the resurrected Christ.

We begin as born again children of God through Jesus, then we are followers of Jesus, to disciples of Jesus, and then to servants of Jesus, to ministers of Jesus, but we cannot stop there.

We can become and have a right to be sons of God by being led by the Spirit of God.  In John 1:12, we were given power to "BECOME" sons of God, but what the Father has shown me (and is quite clear in scripture), that in order to "BECOME" sons of God, we MUST be led by the Spirit of God.  See Romans 8:14

In the past, I would read in the book of Job (Job 1:6 & 2:1) about how the sons of God would come to present themselves before God and I in my ignorance, I would speculate that the sons of God were the men of old who the bible speak of and are now gone on to heaven.  But, I never considered that those of us here and alive would be considered the sons of God.  How could we be?  We do not have our new bodies, we are not perfect, so how could we present ourselves before God as his sons?

Then, God opened my eyes to what he describes as sons of God, and told me to put away my definition.  At first it took a little time for me to understand that this privilege is mine if I will allow his Spirit to lead my life.  What I do, what I say, where I go, and so on!

Clearly this is part of our heritage in Christ Jesus to obtain.  Clearly many Christians are not walking as sons of God and this a reason (not the sum total) why many Christians live less than the abundant life Jesus gave himself for us to have on earth.  John 10:10

If we do not allow God the Spirit to lead us, then we are not sons of God.  Oh yes, we are still children of God if indeed we have received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.  that is not the issue at hand. 

This session is looking into becoming sons of God and what that means by God's definition.  If not sons of God, then how can we present ourselves before him!  There has to be something special God wants for us and from us in this presentation, or he would no have put this in his word.  Dare we discover what a son of God does in presenting themselves before God?  Dare we?  I say let's endeavor to partake of this special inheritance.

Why is it so important to become sons of God?  How come being a child, a follower, a disciple, a servant, and/or a minister of the Lord Jesus is not enough?

Well, I am glad you asked and I will ask you a question.  Why would you choose to leave on the table (as it were) anything God has for you to partake of?  Remember, all good and perfect gifts come from God!

God said that he has given us power to become the sons of God (John 1:12), but it is up to us to allow Holy Spirit to lead us (Romans 8:14).  Can we still experience God's presence even if we are not led by God's Spirit?  Of course, God loves us and he will never leave us or forsake us.  But what are we missing out on by not taking part in the fullness of what he planned for us?

"I press towards  the mark of the high calling of God..." is what Apostle Paul said of himself.  Paul decided to get everything God had for him.  He went all out when he worked for Satan by killing Christians and persecuting them.  Then when Jesus changed his life, he determined to go full force in working for God.

It is a choice that we have to make for our ourselves daily.

What are we determining in our Christian life?  Is our goal just getting by to get into heaven?  Or can we see that there is so much more God has for us through Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.  Jesus said that he had to go to the Father or else he could not send God's Spirit.  Have we simply ignored the Spirit of God and what his assignment is here on earth.  Jesus knew that it was mighty important for God's Spirit to come and help us.

Let's not any longer turn away our Helper, Comforter, Teacher, Intercessor, and Leader into all truth.  Holy Spirit is here right now waiting for you to invite him in to lead you into becoming the sons of God!

Do not try to figure it all out.  All we need do is surrender and say, "Holy Spirit you have my permission to come into my life and perform your assignment given you from God to lead my life in Christ Jesus.  I am letting go and I am now allowing you to lead me into becoming a son of God and all the privileges I have in Christ Jesus my Lord in my sonship.  Thank you Holy Spirit."

Now, be sure to read the scriptures, meditate God's law, praise and thank him, delight yourself in the Lord, acknowledge him as God, and receive his guidance.  Trust God to open your eyes and see and walk in your sonship beginning today!

Always remember that we are ambassadors for Christ - II Corinthians 5:20

Saturday, July 7, 2012

God and His Eternity

It has been some time since I last blogged.  Greetings to you all and thank you for signing in to read the next installment of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified!

Early this morning as I was having my quite time with the Father, just thanking Him for who He is, the Holy Spirit said to me, "God did not want to spend His Eternity without me."  Selah (stop and think about it)

Then pictures flooded my mind and spirit of everything God did to redeem mankind through Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. 

One word picture was in Genesis chapters 1 and 2, and of how God created everything that man would need, and then he created man and woman to enjoy.  God then came down to fellowship with them, thereby He received His pleasure as Adam and Eve enjoyed what He made.  In Revelation it tells us how God created everything for His pleasure.  So, all the word pictures began to form a collage leading to God's redemption plan through Jesus.

Once man allowed sin in, God could no longer take pleasure in his creation.  God could not longer fellowship with man, so that caused him to be separated from his plan, his original intent to fellowship with mankind.  God cannot look upon sin, nor fellowship with sin or he would cease to be a Holy God!  His eternal plan to be with man had come to an abrupt halt.  Or had it?

As the portrait continued in my spirit, the Holy Spirit led me on the path of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified so that God could once again fellowship with his creation.  Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world.  How?  God knows the end from the beginning, so God had a remedy to redeem mankind so that he could continue His eternity with us in it!

Of course, mankind has a freewill, and can chose to reject Jesus and God's plan to redeem them, but his heart is for all to come to Him through Jesus so that He can enjoy and have His pleasure in His creation of man.

As I meditated on that one statement, "God did not want to spend His eternity without me"; chills ran ran through me as I received more understand about why God sent His Son.  God wanted you and I with Him throughout eternity; His original intent for creating the universe, the heavens, this planet, the vegetation, all living creatures and then mankind to enjoy it all.  God wanted to get enjoyment out of us getting enjoyment. 

The only way was to have a pure Blood sacrifice to cover sin.  It could not be accomplished through animal sacrifices or the Israelites would not have had to perform continuous sacrifices.  It would take pure blood of one who knew no sin - Jesus!

Isn't this a wonderful revelation that God wants us to enjoy life?  Most of us may have never heard that we should be enjoying life.  Growing up I heard that "you needed to work hard just to make it, and you don't need all that extra stuff; it is just waste; there are hungry children all over the world."  (By the way, I never really understood how I could help the hungry children all over the world just by not wasting food!)

We must understand what God wants, and not what people have told us in religious messages.  The truth will make you free once you hear it, receive it, and act on it.  From now on, find out what pleases God and then please Him. 

God did not want to spend his Eternity without you and I.  This changes everything for me. This revelation will be foremost on my mind.  Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is our way to please God, because He takes pleasure when He fellowships with us.  Through Jesus there is now no more separation between God and man. 

If you have never accepted God's plan of redemption, if you have never asked Jesus to be Lord of your life please do it now.  Ask Jesus to come into your life and spend your eternity with the Creator, Jehovah, the I AM that I AM, Father God.

Give God His pleasure!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Jesus' Blood Never Fails!

Ever wonder why there is so much emphasis on the Blood of Jesus in Christianity?  Ever wonder why many Christians overlook the Blood of Jesus?  Ever wonder why God chose blood as the way to redeem from sin?  Well, let's try and answer these questions, or let's open up enough wonderment about all this to cause us all to search for the answers.

I want to begin with the last question, "why did God chose blood as the answer for sin?"  I am sure that there are many scientific evidences that shows that the blood contains life in the physical body.  The brain can be injured and medical science can keep one alive via machine.  The lungs can give out and again there is a machine that can help them to breathe.  Kidney's can shut down and there is another machine that can do what the kidneys do in the body.  Must I go on?  We all can agree that these are only temporary solutions, but yet still a solution.

But as far as I know, there is not machine that medical science has that can keep someone alive if the blood is gone from the body.  Yes, they can try and pump blood into the body, but if the body continues to lose blood (LIFE) those efforts will end and that person will lose the life fight.  I have been hospitalized twice for internal bleeding, and the doctors had very worried looks on their faces and in their eyes when talking to me about what was going on in my body.  I was in ICU(intensive care unit) the first time it happened, just steps away from CCU(critical care unit) which after that is death!  My doctors had to do something quick to stop the blood from leaving my body and fast as they were pumping it into me.  They finally got the matter resolved and a sigh of relief was in their voice.  The second time it happened I recognized the symptoms before it got ICU serious, but I still had to have blood pumped into me daily until my body could take over.

Even when blood flow is cut off from a limb, that part of the body is amputated.  Why?  Because medical science knows that the blood is the source of life to everything in our body.  Without the blood...there is no life!  Lack of blood brings weakness, an inability for the body to live, and other deterioration's of the body.

Who created the body, soul and spirit?  God, our Father and Creator.  God knows that the blood contains life, so in the physical body blood is vital, as well as blood is vital to our spiritual life in Him.  Just as the lack of blood is to our physical body, so is the lack of "THE BLOOD" to our spirit man, our eternal existence.

So we know that sin takes life away(reference Genesis when Adam & Eve sinned), because God clearly said, "You will surely die if you eat of this tree."  Satan came along and tricked Adam and Eve into believing that they would not die.  They listened to his lies and we all know the result of that decision they made to eat. 

God always works from and deals with our spirit before the physical happens, so when he told Adam that he would surely die, God was referring to Adam's spiritual life, not that his physical body would fall down dead!  Although, Adam did ultimately physically die, God never wanted us to die, but to live.  Remember, God did not create life to die!  Ever wonder why the human body can take so much punishment before it just gives out?  People have done so much to their bodies and you think how in the world are they still alive?

God knew then that the only way to have a relationship with his creation, that he had to get blood (LIFE) to get rid of sin (DEATH) because He is Holy and cannot have anything to do with sin.  God our Father loved us, his creation so much that he had a plan to keep us spiritually connected...The Blood!

Aren't you glad that you did not live during the times of the animal sacrifices?  If you have ever smelled a slaughter house of any type of animal you know that it is not a pleasant smell at all.  I for one am glad that God planned for our Lord Jesus Christ to be the final sacrifice once and for all. 

The Blood of Jesus doesn't cover our sin, it wipes it out forever!  The blood of the animal sacrifices just covered sin and that's why they had to sacrifice ritually.  Once Jesus' Blood is applied to our sin God never remembers them ever again it cannot be found.  If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour your past does not exist in God's eye's.  Now other people will try to remind you of it, but God will never do that or he would cease to be God.  For God said that he would cast our sin as far as the east is from the west.  Psalm 103:11-13  God is not a liar! 

Also, after we become Christians and if you sin, do you realize that God made provision for that also in
1 John 1:9?  But we are not to try God and continue in sin.  Confess, stop and go on.  The more we learn and know about God, the more we should want to do what is right and stay away from sin.  Let me tell you, it is a process, but you can live free from sinning.

Fall in love with the Father and you will see that you, just like Him want to have nothing to do with sin.  The Blood of Jesus is LIFE for the Christian.  The Blood of Jesus is LIFE for the unredeemed.  Accept Jesus today.

Next time we will tackle the other two questions stated at the beginning of this blog today.

Remember we are ambassadors for Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:20

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How Is Your Growth Going This Year?

It's Time!

We are closing out the end of the first third of year 2012.  It's time to take a spiritual.  Or maybe you did yours after the first quarter of this year.  What is a spiritual?

Just like you go to your doctor to get a physical at certain times, we Christians need to get a "spiritual" at various times throughout the year.  Have a meeting with Father and ask the hard questions about yourself.  After all, we are to compare ourselves to Jesus and how he instructed us to live and not to other Christians.

Why a spiritual? 

You may need to:
  • Correct a path in which you have been following that has not been productive
  • See why you have tapered off of your bible study and prayer time
  • Recognize that things are going great, but for some reason you feel like you do not need the help you use to need from the Father in your walk with the Lord
  • Just reinforce what you are doing and continue to encourage yourself to stay the course
  • _____________________________________________ (put in your own reason)
We need to ask the Lord if there is anything that we are lacking, anything we need to change, anything we need to add into our daily life, and ask for help to stay focused on where we are as a child of God.

Remember, Jesus Christ our Lord, Saviour, Deliverer, Friend, Help, Peace, Teacher, Strength, Comfort and everything we need is always ready to meet with us and fellowship with us.  We also need to remember that the Lord is not ready to jump all over us with negative comments.  The Love of the Lord is so sweet, and even if he has to correct us it will be in a loving and gentle way to encourage to keep the faith.

There have been times when I knew that I did something wrong, and as I went to Him he met me with his loving chastening and correction.  Once I received his correction, it was so sweet to just be in his presence and to see how he always wants the best for my life.

I recently read in the scriptures where King David took a census of the people and the Lord was angry with him.  In God's love, he gave David three choices of chastisement.  David responded that he would rather be in the hands of the Lord, than in the hands of my enemies. 

Don't wait to get caught up in the hands of the enemy before you come to the Father for his help, instruction, guidance and encouragement.  God will never leave us, nor forsake us, and praise God for his forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin and unrighteousness. I John 1:9   We have a wonderful Father.

So, in conclusion be sure to take some time this weekend and ask the Lord, "Tell me how I am doing as your ambassador."  Sit back and listen to his voice and really hear him this time, and then get up and give God praise!

We are ambassadors for Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:20

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

Let's call today "Great Friday!"  Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ who causes us to triumph.

As I reflect today on why we celebrate Great Friday, I can't help but to be humbled at the fact that God loved us so much that he gave Jesus for the purpose of redeeming our lives from destruction.

In order to redeem our lives from destruction, Jesus was subjected to destruction.  In my past posts I added a link to how the Romans would crucify people in Jesus' day, and the reality of what Jesus did for us.

I use to simply be glad for "Good Friday" because at most of the Christian Preschools where I worked we would have this day off work.  I would never even think about what this day truly meant for me as a child of the Most High God.

I am ashamed to even admit this to you, but none-the-less it is true.  I would spend my day doing what "I" wanted to do because this was my day and I deserved if off.  If someone asked me if I were going to attend the "Good Friday" service at church, can you believe that I would pause and try to come up with some kind of excuse?

I am ashamed!  Is there anyone else out there who can relate to my story?  I rarely attended a Good Friday service, and would think, "well I'm going to church on Easter Sunday, so that's good."  As I became more enlightened, I stopped calling it Easter (which is a pagan holiday) and began calling it Resurrection Sunday. (see the history of Easter)

But now, since the Father has revealed to me the completeness and everything that was involved in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, my attitude has changed.  I woke up this morning thanking God for this day.  If Jesus had not gone to the cross, where would we be?  How wonderful is God and Jesus for this day, and I should give them honor and praise.

God saw us way in the future and prepared Jesus for each one of us for the present.  Do you sometimes think about all the bad, crazy, illegal, insane and ignorant things you did in your life before Christ?  I do, and it's amazing that first of all that I am still alive, and secondly that I am not in some mental institution.  God's Grace is so wonderful, his love is so great towards us.

So, as we enjoy the day off (if you have this day off) or as you are working, take time today and thank God our Father and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for the plan of salvation by Jesus giving his life for all mankind.

I hope that you have not lost your desire and love for God.  If so, just read about and think about Jesus' crucifixion and what he went through for us.  Let this year be different on Good Friday and on Sunday when you attend church to celebrate Resurrection Day.

Then, let's celebrate Resurrection day every day by giving honor to God through Jesus for our salvation.

For we are Ambassadors for Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:20

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Way, The Truth, and The Life

I enjoy listening to and reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's accounts of Jesus' life.  Jesus is the way the truth and the life and we all must come to the Father through Him. I have the King James version of the bible on CD, narrated by Alexander Scourby, and sometimes I find when I listen to the scriptures being read, I get a visual account of events.

I have been listening to these four gospels as of late, and I have heard things in the scriptures that I had not grasped in the past when I read the same chapters and verses.

Things like when Jesus healed the lame or blind on the Sabbath.  Instead of the critics praising God for the miracles and taking into consideration that the people were made whole by the power of God (who incidentally instituted the Sabbath), they chose rather to get infuriated and angry that Jesus healed on the Sabbath.  They considered healing someone as work, and of course in their religious minds God would not want anyone healed on the Sabbath day for they said, "there are six days in which you can heal."  How crazy is that?   They could not accept that Jesus was the the way God chose for salvation, and they missed out on many, many blessings God had for them.

As many times as I read this or listen to this, it still amazes me that not one time did any of them take a step back to see why they were so angry, or to even evaluate what was happening, or to call a prayer meeting to seek God about what was going on.  Not one time did any of the religious leaders question their beliefs and if they were according to God's Wisdom and not man's wisdom.

So, I got the thinking about myself and whether or not I had that "Pharisee spirit" operating in my life.  Sometimes when you have been saved for a long time and have gotten into religious habits, I could see in those gospels that you can truly miss what God is doing in the earth if you are not willing to take another look.

Not all change is from God, nor is all change good; but at least inquire of the Father if this is His will or not.  No one holds the sum knowledge of God, so let's not deceive ourselves into thinking that when we see or hear a "new thing" in the Body of Christ that it is not of God.

I relate it to computers.  I got so use to the operating system before XP, that I had no desire to accept XP.  As computer operating systems advancement came, I told myself that I was just fine; not even considering that there might be something in XP that I could benefit from in that new version.

Well, I loved XP!  That's why I take thought to all areas of my life to determine if I am applying the pharisee way to things.

As you take into account your life in Christ Jesus, be sure that you use this as a measuring stick.  Am I missing God because of what and how I believe it should be, or how I was taught, or what I think.

To be a follower of Christ we need to crucify the "I" factor in our beliefs and deny ourselves as Jesus said, take up our cross and follow him.  That means following Him in the direction that He is going!

For we are Ambassadors of Christ  -   2 Corinthians 5:20

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

As a child attending Sunday School, this song was one I learned and one that has stuck with me unto this day!

The words are:



When did the Church of God, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ stop believing God's Word, the bible? 


As we embark upon Resurrection Sunday to celebrate what God did through Jesus Christ our Lord, let's remember that everything that he did was done for us was because of the LOVE of God and our Lord Jesus.

No matter how old we get, we will always be God's "Little One's" if you have received Jesus as Lord of your life.  So remember that song and sing it often to yourself.

Come to Him.  Return to Him.  Stay with Him! 

1 Corinthians 1:18 - Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;
but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

For we are Ambassadors for Christ  2 Corinthians 5:20

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Shed Blood of Jesus

Have you found any discrepancies in what you have "heard" or been "taught" about Jesus Christ and his Crucifixion?

Hopefully you have been studying the scriptures and reading them in a different light since you have been reading my blog posts.

Are you ready for the next topic in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified?  Today we will discuss Jesus' Blood and its' Power.

I have traveled to Israel and once you have traveled where Jesus walked, the scriptures open up in ways you cannot explain.  You really begin to imagine yourself being there as you remember the various scripture references to Israel when you are standing there.  I saw the garden (Gethsemene) where Jesus prayed.  I walked the path where he rode into Jerusalem and the people cried out "Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord!"  I walked the path that led to the hill where Jesus was crucified after he was beaten.  I saw the tomb where he was laid. 

Of course as a tourist, it is hard to get the tour guides to all agree where the exact spots are of all of these facts.  But what I know is that Jesus experienced everything the scriptures say he did.  I believe!  Does it matter if "people" agree on the exact spot it all happened?  No!  What matters is that our faith in Jesus, where he lived, and what he did for us not waver.  Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the power of God!

Besides, we do not have to travel to Israel to get that experience.  All we need do is to travel by God's Spirit.  So let's take a trip back to the night before and the day of Jesus' assignment being fulfilled.

Today's Scripture Reference Chapters:
St. Matthew 26 & 27
St. Mark 14 & 15
St. Luke 22 & 23
St. John 18 & 19

They (the religious leaders who denied who Jesus was) came to arrest Jesus at night, Luke 22:53.(please refer to the above references.)  That's how Satan operates in people's lives, in darkness.  Whether it be the dark of night or the darkness of one's heart and mind!

The first Blood reference appears as Jesus prayed to the Father in the garden, his place of solitude.  Sweat which appeared as drops of blood, Luke 22:44.  I have never prayed to that extent, but Jesus still knows our heart as we are seeking God's perfect will, just as he wanted to be sure this was what Father God had for him.  Let us say as Jesus said, "Not my will but "Your" will be done." 

So now we see Jesus' Blood shed is when he received the scourging (whipping/lashing/flogging typically used by the Romans before crucifixion to torture). Matthew 27:26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1  In reading accounts of how the Romans whipped people, it is simply unimaginable what Jesus went through and the massive amount of blood that was shed as he was beat.

Yes, there was more of Jesus' Blood shed.   From his head as they plaited a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and mocked him. Matthew 27:29, John 19:2, Mark 15:17  I have been pricked by a thorn and it really hurts.  Now imagine a crown of thorns being pushed down on your head and blood streaming down your face and head.


Jesus' Blood being shed for us when he was nailed to the cross.  Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:33, & John 19:18  The scriptures do not explain the process of how Jesus was crucified, but there are many articles you can research on Roman Crucifixions and I have included a link below.   Once you truly understand that it was more than being nailed to wood, you have to appreciate Jesus precious blood, shed for you and I.  Why would he submit himself to this is the BLOOD wasn't important?  And to know that He did it for everyone not matter who you are, the Blood cleansing is available today!

Lastly, we see Jesus' Blood shed from his side, when he was pierced as recorded in John 19:24.  But not only  blood this time, it was blood and water.  Why water?  It was more than just the body releasing fluids.  Let's look past our knowledge of the body and let's look at the meaning of each element that flowed from his body.

Jesus said, that no one takes his life, but that he laid down his life.  His purpose was to give LIFE back to mankind which is what his shed Blood represents.  Genesis 4:10 and Deuteronomy 12:23

Then the Water represents the CLEANSING of the world stained by sin. Ephesians 5:26

The Conclusion of the Matter

Why is there all these references to Jesus' Blood in scripture?  I never thought about it before, but as I have been studying Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, it has to mean something important, or the scriptures could have simply said Jesus died, was buried, was resurrected on the third day and ascending on high to the Father.  But we read the details of Jesus' last night and his last day on earth as a man and what he endured for us.

Let's visit other scriptures to get some answers as to why so many references was made to Jesus' Blood being shed.   Jesus himself makes His Blood the focus of "The Last Supper" topic with the bread and wine.

Jesus said in Luke 22:19-20: And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

His body and his blood was an important element in our eternity and in our life here before death.  God didn't just send Jesus into the world to die.  God's plan was far reading than death.

God had to redeem us once and for all, so that his creation of mankind could get back into fellowship with him, and that takes a blood sacrifice. (read the old testament blood sacrifices).

Once and for all, God needed a sacrifice that would take care of mankind's redemption without having to be repeated.  The answer, JESUS!  He came not born of sin, but born in a body.  No animal can represent mankind, so God gave us his precious gift of Jesus. John 3:16

What did we receive from Jesus as the Lamb of God?
  • Eternal & Daily Salvation with God - John 3:16
  • Abundant Life - John 10:10
  • Health and Healing - Matthew 8:17
  • Prosperity - 3 John 2
  • Redemption from the curse of sin - 1 Peter 1: 18-21
  • Dominion, Victory & Authority - 1 John 5:4
This is in no way everything that Jesus' death, burial and resurrection obtained for us.  I encourage us all to search the scriptures and take hold of what Jesus provided.  Did he die in vain for you?

For we are Ambassadors for Christ - 2 Corinthian 5:20

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What Have You Heard About Jesus?

God's Word says that faith comes by hearing.  Depending on what you hear, experience or see, you could develop faith in the wrong things, non-truths without even knowing that it is not truth. 

What am I talking about?

It was once believed that the earth was flat because when people looked, they saw the horizon which was a straight line in the distance.  So, mankind believed and had faith in a non-truth that they would fall off of the earth if they went past a certain point.  They had faith in an non-truth and didn't know it!

Until those who challenged that belief, went beyond what they had been taught and proved that the earth is round, no one would have ever accepted the real truth about the earth.

In these posts, my goal is for us to research the scriptures, to research what we have been taught about the scriptures, and ask the Holy Spirit of Truth to teach us the real truth of the bible.  That is the Holy Spirit's assignment, to lead us into all truth.

I encourage you, if you have been discouraged with church or have had an experience that has caused you to be turned off with Christianity, (maybe it is because of a non-truth), to just take a moment to read and think about these posts.  Take a section at a time of each one of these posts and read it over and over.  It may be a challenge to discover that you need to change what you have been taught (if indeed you have faith in any non-truths about Jesus), just as it was a challenge for people to accept the earth as being round!

Remember this, Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the most important TRUTH in the scriptures and that he is our answer to everything.  Jesus not only came for our eternal salvation but for our emotional, physical, financial and daily provision.  There is power in the Blood of Jesus!

Isaiah 53: 3-5
1 Peter 2:21-24
Matthew 6:24-33

For we are Ambassadors for Christ

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Have You Done Your Homework?

If you have been following my posts so far, then I am sure that you have investigated my stand on Jesus Christ and Him Crucified as the central truth of the Christian life as well as the old testament scriptures pointing to Jesus.

Mentally, many people would agree that of course it is Jesus Christ and the fact that he was crucified, what's the big deal?  What I am talking about is not simply accepting the fact that Jesus lived, died and rose from the dead on the third day.  What I am talking about is not just receiving God's plan of salvation by asking Jesus into your heart and receiving eternal life.

That's just where it all begins.  Yes, we all need to receive God's plan of salvation through Jesus which is the only way I might add, for our eternal salvation.  But, it doesn't end there.  I am convinced that Christians all over the world and for centuries have not truly understood that the power of God in our lives is Jesus Christ and him crucified.  Do you know that we do not have to be poor, sick, sad, or defeated in our day-to-day life?

I do not see many Christians living the life that the Bible describes.  I followed what I saw and was taught.  I saw respectable Christians sick, so I thought that is just the way it is.  I saw Christians who had been saved for years financially devastated; so I joined the ranks, but all the while trying to get out of debt.  Did you ever think about the old testament people of God and how they didn't dodge creditors phone call, sickness, depression, oppression?  Not if they were walking with God!  If they disobeyed, and went off on their own, then yes, these conditions existed in their lives.  But once they repented and turned back to God, the blessings continued to flow. 

One day, I sat back and I asked, "If I have a much better covenant with Jesus (Hebrews 8:6), than the old testament saints, then how come I am broke, sick, worried, and depressed?"

Since we have the Holy Spirit of promise in us (those who have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour), and only certain people in the old testament just had visitations of God's Spirit from time to time, why don't I see the miracles in my life and in the body of Christ on a grander scale?

Did the Power Leave once Jesus Left?

Jesus said if he goes unto the Father, he would send the Holy Spirit.  Jesus said that greater works than he did, will we do in his name.  Now let's look at these verses in Ephesians 1:2-6 :(KJV)
 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved."

Can you read these verses and truly say that you cannot see what God's will is for us as his children, and see that on the most part the Body of Christ is not close to experiencing any of this in life?

What do I mean?  Let's look closely at verse 2.  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.  What if instead of mimicking what we have been taught or even what we assume that this means (going to heaven when we die and being blessed then); let's look at this verse as saying God blessed us here on earth with all spiritual rights as Jesus experiences in heaven.   The scriptures declares in 1 John 4:17 "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world."

If we are reading this correctly (and I submit that we are), in the day of judgement, we can experience boldness because we live our lives here in this world as he is.  How is Jesus?  Well, I am willing to believe that "as he is", Jesus is not experiencing sickness and disease, lack and poverty or depression and anxiousness. 

When Jesus was here on earth in his traveling ministry, he financed a team of 12 men, (his disciples), so he was financially sound to house, feed and provide for them.   Jesus, nor his team were sick and suffering.  If so, wouldn't Jesus have healed them like he healed others he came in contact with?  I have not read any account of Jesus being afraid or depressed.  Oh, are you thinking of Gethsemane?

You Decide What Happened Here

Matthew 26: 36-46 (NIV)

 36 Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” 37 He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. 38 Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”
 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
 40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. 41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
 42 He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.”
 43 When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. 44 So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.
 45 Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners. 46 Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!”

Well, let's look at that scene.  Jesus was about to go through much pain and suffering at the hand of the people who he came to die for, so at that crossroad of his purpose, he had to surrender his will to God's will.  He prayed and sought God to see if possible this could be changed, but he wanted God's will.  Jesus experienced anguish with what was about to occur, but soon he had peace about it and was ready to do what he came to do.  This is not a case of depression or oppression or worry.  I am sure Jesus witnessed crucifixtions at some point in his lifetime and he saw the pain that those who died this way experienced.

We have to remember that God decided to send Jesus as a man to experience what we experience in life so that he could identify with us.  Let's look at Hebrews 4: 14-16:
 14Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.
 15For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
 16Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

I am glad that this account of Jesus praying so intently is in the scriptures.  In this, God allowed us to see that he knew that there would be times that we would need to be sure that what he is directing us to do would at times cause a moment of pondering in us.  But, in the end just like Jesus, we should surrender our will to his will and move forward knowing that God willnever leave us of forsake us!

This is why we need to understand the power of God that we have access to in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.  Did Jesus die for you in vain?  Jesus not only provided for our eternity, but also for our right now!  God, through Jesus gave us a head start in life and gives us the best.  God is the Creator of the universe.  Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords.  Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Helper and Guide.  There are angels on assignment to help us, just like they came and helped Jesus after he was tempted of the devil in the wilderness.

WOW!  How can we be defeated?  How can we accept the lie of the enemy that we have no power?  Why would anyone choose to sell their birthright of being a joint-heir with Christ by settling for what this world says we can and cannot have in life?  (I have many more questions!)


So now what are your plans?  Will you really do your homework and ask God for help with understanding your inheritance in the Kingdom of God to experience here and now?  Ask, and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.  Matthew 7: 7-11

For we are Ambassadors for Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:20

Friday, February 17, 2012

Let's Change Our Bible Reading Glasses

Old Testament or New Testament?  I found that many have their favorite part of the bible and tend to stay within their comfort zone when reading and studying the scriptures.  Have you ever attempted to read through the bible? Things are going along great with Genesis and Exodus until you reach Leviticus and Numbers.  It picks back up for you in Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth and so on through second Samuel.  Then comes the Chronicles, which is pretty much repeating some things that you already read and you force yourself to continue and you might experience that ebb and flow throughout the Old Testament.  Then you get to the New Testament and with a sigh of relief you continue through to Revelation.  WOW, we made it!

My point in this banter is, if we do not know what to look for as we read the scriptures(whether it be the new or old testament), it really is a roller coaster ride and we end up not knowing or understanding what we are reading.

Once I found the revelation and wisdom(Proverbs 2:4-5) of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, I was able to read through the bible and see that Jesus' presence is in the old testament as well as the new testament.  God exalted Jesus and his life was declared in the scriptures before his birth.  I grew up being taught that Jesus' first appearance was in Bethlehem of Judea when he was born of a virgin.  The Christmas celebrations was when Jesus came on the scene, I was taught.  You may have known that Jesus was with God in the beginning creating the heavens and earth.  I didn't!

The wisdom of God is necessary for us to have in order to live this life correctly, and to rightly read the bible; our instruction book.  I learned to change my "old" bible reading glasses from what I had been taught about the scriptures, to what the Spirit of God wanted to teach me in the scriptures.  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth-John 15:26, and he will only teach the truth about God and Jesus. I also discovered that the more you read a scripture, the more understanding you get.

It does not matter how many scriptures we have memorized.  Nor does it impress God what we do in service to him in church or community.  Why?  Because first, we must believe that God is, that faith pleases God, and that he rewards those who diligently seek him-Hebrews 11:6.  We have to believe and do all three parts of this verse.  Of course doing good is right and we should work towards that in our lives.  But, if we only focus on the "doing", we will never take time out to get acquainted with God-Job 22:21Distraction is one tool that the enemy uses to keep us from that intimate relationship with the
Father and the Son.


Let's change our bible reading glasses by understanding that God never said, "Thou shalt keep busy doing things for Me everyday which takes you away from Me talking with you, and you getting to know who I AM."   I have talked with Christians about spending time quietly listening for God's voice and many say that they don't spend time daily in the scriptures, or in prayer, or in thanksgiving and praise, or in studying His word, but they do it!  I was guilty too!  I spent years serving God in church and not reading the bible, not praying, and not spending time with Him.  As I look back on those years I can see that some obstacles I went through would have been avoided or would have had a different result by getting his counsel and instructions.

Let's look at that mindset of not spending time with our Creator daily.  What does that really mean...really!  Let's see, God created me for Himself-Revelation 4:11, to fellowship with him and to experience who he is in my life.  For me to say that I don't communicate with God daily, is to say that our relationship is not that important. That was a hard pill for me to swallow once I looked at my relationship with the Father and Son.  I had to face the fact that I did not love him the way He desired me to love him.  I decided to love Him when it was convenient, when it fit into my schedule.  Ouch!

We have to remember that everything belongs to God and he has his own rules for us in life.  What is important to God?  If we can ask that question each day, the Holy Spirit will be right there with the answer for us.  His assignment is to show us things to come-John 16:13.

We also need to remember that God has an enemy.  Gods' enemy is our enemy also.  So in knowing these facts, we should know that Satan will use whatever he can to distract us from worshiping God with our lives.  Be aware of this fact and allow the Holy Spirit to dictate to you what our Father wants.  You may not be able to determine God's voice from your own voice, or from the voice of distraction yet.  But just get started in learning God's voice by spending time in his word, talking to God in Jesus Name, proclaiming your faith in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified daily.


God did not send Jesus into this world to go through everything he experienced for nothing.  It was because of his great love for us-John 3:16.  If we can remember and say daily to ourselves that , "God loves me", that will give us peace.

God loves us and is always ready to welcome us.  He is not waiting to condemn us.  Ask him to forgive you, and then receive your forgiveness and get to thanking him for his goodness.  God doesn't hold things against us, or over our head.  He forgives us and wants to move forward with us.  He has so much to talk to us about our life and what concerns us.  God is love, God is love, GOD is LOVE!

For we are Ambassadors of Christ

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jesus Christ Finished It!

IT IS FINISHED!  In John 30:19, this is what Jesus said just before he died for us.  I believe that those words have been over looked throughout the years in the Body of Christ.

Have you ever stopped to think about what Jesus meant when he said those words?  Maybe you already know, and maybe you already understand that he was not simply taking about his assignment was over, and that now he could go back to his Father.

I would like to visit the first word in his sentence, "IT" and to understand what was included in the "it" that was finished. 

I would think that the last words a person speaks before they die are important to all who knew them;  if you will allow me to think out loud with you today.  I have never experienced anyone saying their last words before they died so I don't know, just speculating.

Let's look at something Jesus said that may help us on this road of discovery.  In John 5:19, we find these words: "Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise."  (KJV)

I believe that Jesus meant something of importance in these words he spoke, and I base it upon his relationship with the Father.  Unlike our tendencies, God and Jesus simply do not just ramble off words.  They have purpose, and just like Jesus we are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.-Matthew 4:4  Jesus patterned himself after the Father and was obedient to the Father in everything he did.

Let's not lose sight of why God sent Jesus.  The purpose (and by no means is this list in its entirety), was to redeem mankind from the hand of the enemy-1 Corinthians 6:20, by being the final sacrifice-Ephesians 5:2(paying the price to get us back once and for all time) for our sin which resulted in eternal separation from God.  In the gift of Jesus, God made provision for our eternal life-John 3:15-18, peace-John 14:27 and Philippians 4:4-7, health-1 Peter 2:24 and Isaiah 53:4-5, needs-Matthew 6:33 and 3 John 2, righteousness-Matthew 5:6 and adoption into the family of God-John 1:12

WOW, that journey has led us to the beginning of understanding what the "IT" means in Jesus' last statement on the cross, when he said, "It is finished."  That one word carries a lot in it for you and I, and we have a right to everything God sent Jesus to pay for with his blood, if we have received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.  Jesus defeated the enemy of God (Satan) and now we can understand better about Jesus Christ and Him Crucified; because Jesus has been given all power in heaven and in earth-Matthew 28:18-20, and the validity cannot be denied of what Jesus accomplished and finished on the cross-Colossians 2:6-15.

So no matter what comes up against us, we can proclaim with boldness what Jesus said, "IT IS FINISHED!"  And now we say:

I am forgiven
I am righteous
I am healed
I am free
I am provided for
I am loved
I am blessed
I am redeemed
I am an overcomer
I am . . . . . .
By the power of God, which is the gospel of Christ-Romans 1:16

Rejoice in and resolve within yourself Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is my answer!

For we are Ambassadors of Christ-2 Corinthians 5:20

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Power of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

Jesus' death, burial, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father was established before the foundation of the world as God's Word says in 1 Peter 1:18-21 and Ephesians 1:3-4 (KJV).  Before mankind, God made provisions for our redemption and it was and it is by, and through Jesus Christ and Him Crucified!  Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 that he determined/resolved  not to know anything except Jesus Christ and Him crucified which is the Power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18). 

Once I learned that the cross is not a bad thing (because if it were not for the fact that Jesus died, was resurrected from the dead and his blood, shed for our sins, there would be no point of Christianity), but that the cross where Jesus shed his blood is the very place God chose to redeem us back to himself.  The question may arise, "Since God knew that mankind would sin and would need a redeemer, why didn't he stop it from the beginning?"  Good question.  The answer is an easy one. 

 God made us in his image, after his likeness, Genesis 1:26.  It is clear to see in the first couple chapters of Genesis that God's desire for his creation of mankind on earth was for us to "want" to love and obey him, so that he could have honest fellowship with us. God gave Adam instructions to follow and God visited with Adam.  As we read in Genesis 3:8-11,  Adam and Eve knew God's voice because they heard the voice of God walking in the garden.  So, this tells us that God had fellowship and a close relationship with Adam and Eve; but on this day we see when God came to fellowship with them, they were not in place.  We know this because God asked, "Where are you?" (sin moves us out of place)

Check out Genesis chapter 1 and all the provisions God made prior to creating Adam and Eve.  He didn't want mankind to have a need for anything, and if our needs are met (Philippians 4:19), then what can stand in the way of us having a relationship and fellowship with our creator?  We could spend our time with him and not be concerned with providing for ourselves. 

God's plan was and is simple, and it has not changed.  He wants you and I to freely "choose him" and not to be made or forced to choose he gives us choices - a freewill.  He wants to provide for us, to fellowship with us, and he wants to able to find us in place (not in sin), so that we do not need to hide from him.  The Father's plan for Jesus' blood to pay the price for our sin has been provided.  Why?  God loved his creation so much that he wanted us back in place.  Now, if we accept his Son Jesus and what he did for us, then we can fellowship with God through the redemption of the blood of Jesus. 

Wow, what love...what power God has given to us (John 1:12).  The power of the blood and what Jesus finished on the cross that made everything right again.  The cross does not simply provide the blood for forgiveness of sin, but it also provides for us health, prosperity as well as an eternal place with him.  In John 10:10, Jesus tells us why he came.  Do you think he lied?  God forbid.  We have abundant life through him.  Is abundant life limited to eternal salvation?  Of course not, God cares about every aspect of our life and also wants an intimate relationship with us!

If I may take a moment and ask this question:  Which would you prefer:  A person in your life with whom you forced to say that they want to be in a relationship with you, or a person saying of their own freewill that they want to be in a relationship with you?  Of course we want those in our lives to freely choose to be in our presence.  Then why not God desiring the same type of relationship with his creation?  He loves us, and he misses us when we are not in fellowship with him, just as we would miss the people we love who never develop a relationship with us or spend time with us.

In Isaiah 46:12, God declared the end from the beginning (He is the Alpha & Omega, the Beginning and the End: Revelation 21:6) and came up with solutions to anything that would ever befall each of our lives to help us.  So, yes he saw Adam and Eve choosing to disobey before they did it, and he prepared Jesus as the answer to redeem mankind back to himself.  Pretty wise if you think about it all.  Just think if you were able to see the beginning of time and the end of time in one snapshot and then having the power and ability to work it out to where your desired results and original plan is carried out through time.  That's what God did!  He has the ability and power.  He knows all things and is everywhere at all times and he provided for us as he did for Adam and Eve so that he could enjoy his creation...mankind!

We have to know and understand that God will not and cannot override our will.  He cannot go back on his word and take away our free-will (Psalm 138:2), so he has to always work within the boundaries of his word or he would be a liar and then cease to be God!  God is holy, and that is his word on it.   He cannot allow sin in his presence. 

The thing we need to remember is with having a free-will and a choice is that we have to choose him and his plan of redemption through Jesus Christ and the finished work of the Cross. (John 19:30)  We have a say-so in his plan.  Father God bids us to "choose life" in Deuteronomy 30:19-20.  God's love for us is so "GI-NORMOUS" (gigantic & anormous) that sometimes we miss it because it is too big for us to comprehend or grasp.  Remember John 3:16?

I am glad that God provided all I need for living on earth with him and provided all I need for living eternally with him.  I hope as you read through these bible chapters and verses that Holy Spirit will reveal and teach you God's love.  Romans 8:35-39

For we are Ambassadors For Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:20