Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wait Patiently on the Lord

Last month as I was meditating on God's word I got to thinking about waiting patiently on the Lord. I have been waiting for some things as we all have been from time to time as Christians. As I was talking to Father and asking him for strength about waiting here's what I heard the Father say, "Even I have to wait." Well, you can guess that when I heard that sentence I sat up to hear the rest. "I have been waiting for my original plan for earth and man to be restored since Adam sinned. My plan to bring restoration is still in progress." Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that things will be completed and the book of Revelation clearly discribes how things will be, but God is still waiting. "How long have you been waiting daughter? Have you been waiting as long as I have for what you have asked?" I repented for every time I got impatient. God told me these things not to condemn, because he loves us so much. He wants us to understand that he will never ask his children to do something that he is not willing to do or something that he has not already done. I got a new insight and a deeper love for God through this session with him. Yes session. It was therapy to my soul. Just think about what you have asked God for and are waiting for to happen. With this insight I pray that you will truly wait patiently on the Lord. Just as he has planned out his desires to be fulfilled, just know that he has also planned out your desires and has an appointed time for you and them to meet. Don't faint. Don't give up. Keep walking on the path of righteousness and you will get there. Jesus died for us to have abundant life so don't let what Jesus did for you be in vain. God is waiting patiently for you to return to come!