Thursday, November 29, 2012


As I was meditating on the last two blogs I wrote, Holy Spirit showed me that there are some that said while reading them, "son of God?, immunity?, what is this all about?"

There is that lie from Satan that has been floating through the Christian world and the world at large that "Jesus is not the only way to God, that is just too single minded to believe."  Another lie from Satan is "God loves you so much, you really do not need to always obey the bible, just ask God to forgive you."  Have you heard those lies?  If you have not heard these lies before, believe me I have heard them and Satan has lied to many Christians and caused them to miss out on that abundant life Jesus came to give us.

God does love us so much.  The proof of his love was in sending Jesus to redeem mankind from an eternity of damnation; (John 3:16)  and those lies stated above sounds to me like a different version of the lie he told Eve.  "You will not surely die if you eat from that tree..."( read Genesis 3rd chapter)

The lies that Satan tells people sometimes may include a part of a scripture or it may just sound good , so to a new Christian it can "sound" like the truth."  Remember the word tells us that Satan comes like an angel of light!  But in reality, whatever he says is a lie.  When you hear someone teaching God's word and conviction comes to your heart  (not condemnation) for you to make changes in your life, then you hear that other voice contradicting what God is talking to you about; you best believe that the second voice you heard is Satan trying to steal the truth from you, to kill your effectiveness in the Kingdom of God, and to destroy any hope of your maturing in your walk with the Lord if you reject God's correction.  (Read John 10:10)

Now to get to our choices!  In order to walk as sons of God, we have to absolutely be sold out to God's Will.  You think you are totally sold out to God?  Let's take this test.  Remember what I just told you above once you get convicted.  Listen for the voices that will oppose God's loving correction in this test.

This TEST is to see if we are sold out to God, and walking as sons of God: (please read the blog on "The sons of God")
  • Do you tithe?    Y  N
  • Do you sow/give offerings?    Y   N
  • Do you praise, worship & thank God the Father & Son daily?   Y   N
  • Do you pray/communicate daily with the Lord and listen for the Lord's instruction?   Y    N
  • Do you read God's word/bible daily?    Y   N
  • Do you attend a service where God's word is taught daily or each week?   Y   N
  • Do you ask God daily & perform what God wants you to do the bring him pleasure?   Y   N
  • Do you know your purpose for being? Y   N
  • Do you have your hands out and lifted up in surrender to God when you need something?   Y   N
  • Do you depend on God for everything?  Y   N
Conclusion:  If you answered "N" to any question, you are not living as a son of God.  Why?  Because we as people of God are to have no other god before him, we are to love God with all of our heart soul and might, God should be the complete center of our lives.  Again, please read my blog on "The sons of God" to help get a clear picture and understanding.  If you have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour you are most definitely a child of God, and you have an eternity with him. 

What I am urging you to see, is that God's desire is for us to move past being a child, and maturing to be his son manifested in this world to bring heaven down here to earth.  That was part of Jesus' prayer when he was teaching his disciples how to pray, "They kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth AS IT IS IN heaven."  Many Christians do not really believe everything Jesus said.  If Jesus is praying this prayer, then it is possible for heaven' will to come to earth.  Jesus does not lie!  So who is lying?  Satan, that's who!  He is telling us that, "There is no way God's will can be done here on earth, look at the condition of this world."

WHO'S REPORT WILL YOU BELIEVE?  I will believe the report of the LORD!

What does this really mean to us?  Do we believe that God's will can happen here on earth?  If you do not, it is because you have been listening and believing Satan's lies.

But we are not to look at things that we see, we walk by faith, not by sight and call things that be not as though they were, and then once we are walking by faith in God and his word, yes Jesus' prayer can become a reality here on earth.  Do you realize the power we have and if every Christian walked in obedience what this world could be?

Is Satan lying to you right now about what you have read so far?  If you have any opposition, it is your soul and flesh teaming up with Satan's lies to reject the truth.  Everything stated above is backed by scripture, God's word, not this bloggers' word.  Let's review: (Scriptures below are King James Version and are not a total sum of biblical references to the statements made in this blog.)

John 10:10 (Satan's roll)
Matthew 6:1-13 (Jesus on giving & how to pray)
John 8:44 ( Satan is a liar-don't believe him)
John 1:12 along with Romans 8:14 & 8:19 (character of the sons of God)
Hebrews 12:6-8 (receive the chastening of the Lord as sons)
Malachi 3:8-14 (tithes & offerings)
Revelation 4:11 (everything made for God's pleasure)


It is never my desire to lead anyone away from the Father, but to get you to run to him in repentance.  I am not debating God's way.  God can prove his own word.  Please let God's Word, and his Spirit speak to your heart. 

My plea to you is for you to read Romans the 8th chapter.  It is powerful once we open our eye's and to see the truth.  Focus especially on verses 1-19 talking about being children of God and sons of God.

Well until next time, remember that we are ambassadors for Christ.  2 Corinthians 5:20

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