Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy New Year!

No. . .I didn't forget to post in January!

Every January of every year, most people make plans and/or goals.  It doesn't matter if it's verbal, written or just inwardly, many plans are made for the new year.

Well, I am over it, so I begin my new year in February.  Why you ask? 

Well, by the time February rolls in, much of what was planned, comes into focus and reality as to what it is that you really want as a goal is more clear.  So now that February is here, let's get to the real goal.  The one that is most needed and is mandatory at this point in the year.

As we begin to focus, let's start our new year with finding out what God wants from us this year.  Yes, God does think about us and has plans for us.  Remember Jeremiah 29:11?

We can all agree that people are most important to God and mankind is foremost on his mind. That was the purpose of him sending Jesus to earth to accomplish his final and most wonderful act of love for all mankind. God's goal was for redemption to all who will call upon the name of his Son Jesus.

So, as Christians, people of God shouldn't our goal be to please the Father who gave everything to us?  What do you think God would want as a goal for us this year?

Well, I am sure the list we all could come up with would be never ending because we all have a picture of what we believe God wants from us; but most times we are so far from what he truly wants from our lives, that we never give him his satisfaction.

We are God's eye's of compassion, arms of love & strength, hands of healing, words of truth, and feet to carry the gospel of peace to a dying world. God wants people to turn to Jesus, and he uses us to accomplish his hearts desire.

So, as we are regrouping our new year's goals, please be sure to include God at the top of our list...he sure put us at the top of his list when he set his goal to redeem us through JESUS!

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified!  Ask God to help you this year to please him by sharing his Son Jesus with those around you.  Yes, it's a little unsettling when you think about sharing bible verses that you yourself are not sure of.  And what if I don't say everything right?  What if they are rude to me?  What if they embarrass me? 


John 3:16 tells it all, so go for it this year.  If you share the gospel, or offer to share Jesus and you are rejected, remember they are not rejecting you, but they are rejecting God's free gift.

Spend some time in prayer for yourself and for the people who God sends to you.  It may be one soul in 2013 who receives Jesus, but that is one less soul bound for hell.  God's love is awesome, so share it!

We are ambassadors for Christ.  2 Corinthians 5:20

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