Wednesday, October 30, 2013

God Cannot Lie

As I was meditating on God's goodness, thanking him and spending time worshipping & praising him, Father spoke to me about how he cannot lie. "You know that scripture?" Yes Lord, you cannot lie. "Why can't I lie?" "The reason I cannot lie is because everything I promised that I would do, I have already done it" he said to me. (Pause) Huh? "I did everything that I promised I would do for you long before you were born." "Remember the scripture that Jesus was crucified from the foundation of the earth?" Yes! "I already did it. So, since I already did everything that I promised and said that I would do, I cannot lie because I already did it. Understand?" O.K. yeah, that makes sense. If you already did it then you can't lie about's done" Wow, did my spirit open up to the spirit realm then. Many scriptures rose up from the inside of me and I applied this truth of what God just spoke to me to each one and I received such understanding. He took me back to Genesis chapters one and two. When God rested, he finished everything he was ever going to do in those six days, that's why he entered into his rest. Not rest like we think of rest from being tired. God doesn't get tired, weary like our physical bodies do and we rest and/or sleep. God's rest is a ceasing from doing because he did everything. I know, I was thinking some of the same things you are thinking now. If God did everything, then why, why, why? Genesis the first chapter tells us that God, creator of heaven and earth, made us in his image and after his likeness. To do what? To have dominion over everything he made except for dominion over mankind. So, once God sets a law in place, he steps back and allows that law to work. Example, gravity works every time. But since God gave mankind dominion over the earth man was able to create machines to break loose from gravity. Did you notice that I said "create?" We are supposed to continue from where he left off. Where ever we see a need, we are supposed to meet that need by creating. God gave us the power and right to do so. Do you really think God created this earth with not enough food for every person on it to have plenty? There should be no reason why some countries are poverty stricken, while others are wasteful. Do you think God did not know how many people would be on earth, so he just didn't provide enough food on this planet? Think, Meditate, Selah! God gave us authority and we are supposed to make it all work according to his ways. Of course the devil came in and tricked Adam and Eve into giving up their dominion and authority to him and he distorted this world and that's why we have poverty, sickness and lack around us and why so many people are seperated from God. But praise be to God, Jesus came and took care of the devil and took back what we were supposed to have. So, if we, God's people redeemed from this world's system (which we are through accepting Jesus as our Saviour) would take our rightful place and SPEAK into existance what's missing, then there would be a great change around the world. Oh, my mistake, forgive me. Most Christians do not believe that they have such power and authority. That's why the world is the way it is because we just can't believe that simply speaking will make any changes. Doesn't God's word say that death and life are in the power of the tongue? And in Deuteronomy the Lords bids us to choose life. God spoke and it was, so it stands to reason that since he made us in his image and after his likeness that he expects us to do the same or else why make us like he is? Why did God tell us that he has given us dominion over the earth and all that's in it? Think, Meditate, Selah! Does God just do or say things for nothing? I am just crazy enough to believe that God said what he meant, and meant what he said and that settled it for him and he stopped and hallowed the 7th day. What will it hurt to begin speaking positive, life-filled words over your life? Why not choose life and imitate God? Instead of saying that you never have enough money, or that the sickness or desease that the doctor said that you have is uncurrable, how about saying what the Word of God says about you? Make the scriptures personal to you: My needs are supplied according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus! Phil.4:19 The Lord has given me power (ability) to get wealth! Deut. 8:18 By his stripes I am healed! 1 Peter 2:24 Isaiah 53:5-6 The Lord has healed all my deseases! Psalm 103:3 There are so many scriptures that we can choose to speak instead of what we have been programmed to say about our situation. Yes, the fact may be that you are sick, poor, broke, or whatever, but that is not the TRUTH! What we have failed to see is that the FACTS and the TRUTH are two different things in God's Kingdom. God gave us the truth in his word. We are so programmed in this world system to believe the facts that we can't even understand the difference between the two. We who are Christ's are not of this world system although we live in the world. We are seperate, called out, peculiar people. So it stands to reason that we are suposed to to do peculiar things according to God's word. What I am talking about cannot be unserstood with the natural mind. These are spiritual truths because God is a Spirit and God deals in the spirit. The TRUTH is what God says always about us because we are his heirs and joint heirs with Jesus. What do you think an heir is and what a heir inherits? Through Jesus everything that God has belongs to us as heirs. People wait for family members to die to inherit money or whatever. Well, Jesus already died so we do not have to wait, the inheritance is ours now and for eternity. And the best thing is Jesus is alive forever more to teach us how to live this new life in Him. Tap into God's word and begin acting and imitating God as he planned for us to do. God cannot lie becaue he already did everything he said he would do, then he told us about it in his word. Receive your inheritance. Believe that you have power to create a new environment and change your situations. Again, what will it hurt to think and act like God. Not like Satan, trying to be God. I am not talking about trying to be God. We are not God nor will we ever be God. God is God and that's it. What I am talking about is taking what God said about mankind in Genesis and walk in newness of life through Jesus. The only thing God is keeping from us is when JESUS will return to take us to be with him. Everything else, God freely gives to us and all we need to do is to believe his word. The Christian life is a FAITH life and until we learn to live by, and walk by faith in the Most High God, through Jesus and his word we wll never know our potential nor see it come to pass in our lives. Speak Life! God cannot lie. We are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corithians 5:20

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