Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Happy New Year! My prayer for you all this year is that you will experience God's Divine Grace and know that all the blessings in your life is directly from Father God. Sometimes, we fail to give honor to God for the blessings we encounter from day-to-day. I keep a running record of daily, weekly and/or monthly blessings God gives to me. Don't get me wrong, there are times that I forget to write them down, but I try to get to it as soon as I can to put into remembrance the things my Lord did on my behalf. Many of the things may seem small to others that may read them but to me, it reminds me of how God's thoughts are towards me continually. You really need to read Psalm 139, really read it. I believe if we give thanks to God throughout our day, our days get better and better and we look forward to each morning or night we wake up. It's hard to being thankful and complaining at the same time. Nor can you complain and give thanks at the same time. Try it, it just doesn't work together. Why not give God the glory and praise instead of saying "Something told me to do this or that." I hear Christians give praise to luck or even to themselves for being so smart when things work out great. But then when things go wrong in their lives, they so quickly turn on God and blaming him for not helping them. WOW! Could it be that since you and your ego has grown so large that you don't have ears to hear when God is trying to help you out of a situation that your smarts can't do this time? My point is, let's give God the glory and praise for all the good, and ask him for his wisdom when something happens that doesn't seem to be good. I can recall many situations where I thought something that happened was a bad thing and as the months went on I understood that God had intervened and if he hadn't at that particular time, I don't know where I would have ended up. Father God loves us so much. (Really read Psalm 139.) We cannot continue going through life not understanding God's amazing love for us. Jesus is God's first indicator of how much he loves us. John 3:16 Spend your time thanking God throughout your day and see how things develop in your life this year. We are ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20

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