Friday, October 31, 2014

Jesus, our example

Jesus lived as an example for us to live. Have you ever met Christians who seemingly thought that they deserved more than what they see others have achieved? Well, what would you say if I told you that they are right? Think about this, our Father is creator of heaven and earth, Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, we are heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ Jesus. What does that mean to you? The truth is when God made Adam in his image and after his likeness he intended for mankind to subdue, replenish and dominate. What does that mean to you? We as children of God are supposed to look, act, live and function different than the people who are not saved. That way, the world can see the difference and desire to find out who our God is and ask, "what must I do to be saved. Do you remember how the children of Israel were circumsized? It was to distinguish them from the other nations. God's intention is always to make a difference between his people and the world. In our society it's not being circumsized that will show the difference, but being saved with wealth, health and abundance. Why, because that is what the people of this world system are striving for but they are going about it the wrong way. We will be debt free and wealthy. We will be completely healed without medications. We will be wise without " Dr." in front of our names. God knows how to influence people to draw them to him. God will use whatever he pleases to show his love whether you agree with this blog or not. In the last days God will pour out of his Spirit upon all flesh. What does that mean to you? We need to stop putting God in a box...he will not be hindered by what you believe or don't believe. His heart is that all be saved and come into the truth, so we need to get ready to see greater and mightier things than Jesus did begin to happen in our midst. Our job is to get on board and not to reject God's best to carry out his will in earth as it is in heaven. We are ambassadors for Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:20

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